12. First Flirtations

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"Hey, I'm glad to see you're awake," Dr. K said cheerily as she came into my room.

Awake was a bit of a stretch. More like barely conscious--and pissed off. Any time someone bothered me, I practically bit their head off over something as simple as what I wanted to eat, or drink. It wasn't quite the best way to talk to my friends and family who were just trying to help, but obviously my infected body decided being nice wasn't a necessity.

"How are the meds working? Are you feeling better today?" Dr. K asked.

I bit back a groan as I sat up, deciding I should at least answer her questions. "I guess, and barely," I muttered, wanting nothing more than for her to leave.

She nodded and wrote something down on my chart, then she turned
to my mom. "I'm going to up the dose of his antibiotics and see if that helps him."

Mom sent a smirk at me. "Okay, whatever will help him feel better because he's been a real pain in the you-know-what."

Dr. K laughed. "I know. He's been quite cranky to me as well, but that's understandable. Who's actually nice when they're sick, right?"

"Cranky is an understatement, more like unbearable." Mom grinned at me mischievously.

"Oh, come on. I haven't been that bad," I interrupted, only half serious.

Mom and Dr. K both turned to me, and gave me the same dubious looks.

A felt a hot burn creeping up the back of my neck as I realized I was acting like a complete asshole lately. I technically had an excuse as I felt like complete shit, but taking my anger out on everyone around me was really douchy.

"Yeah...sorry..." I awkwardly scratched the back of my head, my face ablaze with embarrassment.

"It's fine, Eath. Just maybe tone down the attitude a little," mom teased with a wide smirk on her face.

I awkwardly slid back down in bed.

"I'm gonna go grab your new dose of antibiotics. Is there anything you want before I go?" Dr. K's lips were twitching as she struggled to keep her composure.

"No. I'm good, thanks," I swiftly replied.

She nodded, then turned around and walked out, quietly closing the door behind her.

I hoped the extra dose of meds would make me feel better because I was so tired of feeling like complete crap the last few days--hell the whole week, honestly. I felt like shit before I even went to the hospital, and I still don't feel better here.

"I'm back, asshole," Abby announced as she entered my room, and let the door slam closed behind her.

"Damn, close the door a little louder next time," I muttered.

Abby cringed at the door, then looked back at me with a shrug. "Yeah, wouldn't want to bother your neighbors. Considering we're in a hotel and all," Abby said slyly, then glanced pointedly at mom.

A blush stained mom's cheeks. "My God, you kids never forget anything."

Abby burst out laughing as I remarked, "We forget all kinds of shit. Just nothing that hilarious."

Mom sighed. "I swear. Kids live to embarrass their parents."

I grinned. "Well, I guess it's payback for you and dad embarrassing Drew and me all the time."

Mom snorted as she turned back to her laptop.

Abby grinned devilishly at me and sauntered over to my bed, before dropping down on the end of it.

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now