27. Vehicular Lectures

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"You're kidnapping me, you know."

"What?" Leo took his eyes off the road for a moment to glance at me.

He dragged me out of the hospital and into his car. Then he started driving somewhere and wouldn't tell me where we're going.

I felt a grin tug at my lips. "You're technically kidnapping me because I don't know where we're going."

"It's not kidnapping if you agreed to get in my car. And if I remember correctly, you willingly got in my car." He grinned smugly, always finding the perfect comeback.

"I was hoping you would just tell me where we were going," I muttered.

He chuckled, then reached over and laid his hand on my leg. "You really hate surprises, don't you?"

"Yes, yes I do."

I sucked in a breath as Leo's hand slid down my leg towards my knee, then back up towards my hips. He wrapped his hand around my inner thigh. I jerked under his palm, only moving it further between my legs.

"Jumpy?" Leo inched his hand back down my leg, only to slide up back up again.

"Maybe." I grabbed his hand and put it down by my knee again.

His nails grazed along the rip in my jeans, causing goosebumps to rise along my skin.

"I am when you're doing that."

"When I'm doing what?" he asked innocently.

"I think you know precisely what I'm talking about." I glanced pointedly down at his hand only an inch away from my growing erection.

"No, I don't know. I'm just resting my hand on your leg." His grin turned devious as he grazed his fingertips along my shaft.

"Leo. Stop." I groaned as my hips jerked into his hand, completely disregarding my brain's protests.

He raised an eyebrow. "Why would I stop when you're obviously enjoying it?"

"Because you're driving?" I suggested.

He pulled off to the side of the road and put the car in Park. "There, now I'm not driving." He gripped my cock and massaged it over my pants.

"Leo," I groaned as my shaft pulsed against my pants.

Leo grinned. "I will never get tired of hearing you groan my name."

He lifted his hand off my dick, only to pop the button open on my pants.

"Leo, really. We're in your car."

He merely lifted a shoulder, like he couldn't give a shit less that he was about to give me a damn handjob in his car.

"We're on a two lane road, and I haven't seen a car for at least ten minutes." He glanced pointedly at the road, then at me with a smug smirk. On our right was a line of trees, and on our left was the opposite lane of the road. And there was no one on the road as far as I could see.

"I don't know." I nervously chewed on my lip.

Leo sent me a comforting look. "If you don't want me to, it's fine."

Oh, come on, Ethan, live a little.

"Well...I guess it could be fun," I murmured.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

I leaned across the console and pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back with a hunger that made my blood boil. He licked and nibbled my neck as he slid his hand into my pants. He settled his hand over my erection and started stroking me.

"That feels really good." Pleasure spiked through my shaft as he stroked me.

Leo smiled against my neck. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

He gently pushed me back in my seat, then leaned across the console and took my dick in his mouth. I moaned as he started bobbing up and down on my shaft. He sucked on the tip of my dick, and stroked my shaft, which felt amazing. It's been a while since we've done anything sexual, so I definitely wouldn't last long.

"I'm not going to last long," I breathed.

Leo gave me a smirk. "Good, then we won't be late to the movie."

I groaned and sifted my hands through Leo's hair as he blew me.

Soon pleasure rocketed through my shaft, and my hips bucked into Leo's mouth as a came.

Leo kept sucking me as I came, and his lips felt so good on my sensitive shaft.

"Fuck," I muttered after I came down from my high.

Leo chuckled as he sat back up. "I forgot how much I love blowing you."

My cheeks burned hearing him say that. I dropped my head against the seat, and I stared at him as I tried to regain my composure. His hair was a mess, and the messiness only made him sexier. His lips were puffy, and his cheeks were flushed, which I found both cute and sexy.

I dropped my gaze to his erection, and I reached over to unbutton his pants.

He panted as I pulled his dick out of his jeans.

"Would you be upset if I didn't return the favor?" I teased as I stroked him.

He groaned. "No." He sucked in a breath as I cupped his balls in one hand, and stroked him with the other. "If you stopped doing that I might be offended."

As soon as he said that I pulled my hands away with a devious smile.

He groaned again. "You didn't have to stop."

I grinned and leaned over to kiss him again. He moaned as he tangled his tongue with mine. Soon, I pulled away and started blowing him.

He groanded deeply as I bobbed my head over his shaft. "That feels so good," he mumbled.

I kept doing what I was doing, glad that he was enjoying himself.

"I'm already so close," Leo muttered with a laugh.

I grinned against his shaft and stroked him faster, wanting him to come. "Come for me, Leo."

His dick pulsed in my hand, faster and more agressively as he neared his orgasm.

"Eath," he groaned as he came.

His salty cum shot down my throat and I continued sucking him till he finshed.

Afterwards, I sat back up and grinned at him.

He panted as he stared at me. "Jesus," he muttered.

He placed a soft kiss to my lips, and ran his fingers through my hair.

One of my nails got caught on the stitches on the back of my head, and pain sliced through my skull.


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