18. Conniving Shopping Trip

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"Your abnormally happy today," mom commented.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a huge grin that I couldn't seem to wipe off my face.

"Hmm? Maybe because you've been energetic, social, and you haven't stopped smiling since you woke up this morning?" She grinned.

I rolled my eyes at her and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I'm just in a good mood today."

I woke up to a text from Leo saying, 'Morning Eathy. 😊 I had a great time last night.
Oh, and feel free to give my clothes back whenever. Or just keep them, as you looked better in them than I ever have, 😉' and that put me in one of the best moods I've ever been in.

"Well, I'm glad for whatever reason you're out here being social, and not in your dungeon," dad remarked.

"Dungeon? I always open my blinds when I wake up," I retorted.

"Really? Because every time I go in there, it's always dark as hell," Drew remarked as he plopped down on the couch beside me.

"You never come in my bedroom until after five, so yeah, I do close my blinds when it's dark, outside." I sent him a smirk which he rolled his eyes at.

"Whatever," Drew said he turned back to his phone.

My own phone vibrated on the table, and I grabbed it.

From: Abbs

Hey Eath, you wanna give me all those lavish details about your date? 😉
I have to pick up a present for Tina and I'm forcing Will to go to the mall with me. Wanna come?

What time are you picking me up?

About half an hour.
Or do you need more time to make yourself look beautiful? 😏

No lol.
And don't call me "beautiful"

What, is your boyfriend the only one who calls you that? 😜

He doesn't call me beautiful.
And he's not my boyfriend. 😡

Mmhmm. I'll see you soon. 😙

I was blushing at Abby calling Leo my boyfriend, as he clearly wasn't my boyfriend. We've only hung out once, and been on one date, and I met his parents, and...Oh God, is he my boyfriend?

I shook that thought out of my head as I laid my phone back down on the coffee table. "Abby's gonna pick me up in half an hour and we're gonna hang out. Is that okay?"

Dad glanced up from his book. "Sure, it's fine with me." He turned to mom with his eyebrows raised.

"It's fine with me, too." She shrugged and frowned at her computer.

"Where are you going?" Drew interrupted.

"The mall, apparently, Abby's buying a present for Tina's birthday." I shrugged.

Drew wrinkled his nose. "Guess I'm not going then."

"Oh come on, the mall's so much fun," I remarked, feigning disgust though I secretly enjoyed it.

"Uh, no, it's not. It's pure torture." His phone vibrated and he turned back to it, suddenly absorbed his phone.

I stared at my own phone for a moment, contemplating if I should invite Leo along. My hand shot out and snatched my phone off the table, before my brain could catch up.

To: Leo

Hey, Leo. 😊
Abby, Will, and I are hanging out.
You wanna come?

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