16. Only I Can

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"Now, what should we call you guys? Lethan, perhaps? Ooo! How about Le-an?"

I gave Abby a bewildered look. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You, and Leo. Now that you're a going concern, you guys need a ship name."


She gave me a teasing smile. "Oh, you don't want everyone to know about your little secret?"

"No. I do not," I grumbled.

"Fine. I'll keep your new boyfriend a secret," she relented.

"He's not my boyfriend," I growled.

"Are you sure about that? Because Will told me you and Leo were rather...friendly at group yesterday," she asked, feigning innocence.

"Will you stop? It's so embarrassing," I groaned as I hid my face in my locker.

"Fine, I'll stop," she relented begrudgingly. "I think it's rather adorable, actually."

"What's rather adorable? Is it a puppy? Oo, I love puppies! Please tell me it's a puppy!?" squealed my "new boyfriend".

My heart picked up in my chest as I pulled my head out of my locker and looked at Leo. A big grin tilted his lips and his eyes were dancing with excitement.

I bit my lip.

Leo's gaze traveled down to my mouth for a few seconds, then he dragged his eyes back up to mine, his grin widening.

"It's not a puppy, unfortunately, but it's something much more exciting," Abby responded with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"What's more exciting than a puppy? Is it a kitten?" Leo was vibrating with excitement. It was adorable how excited about animals he got.

"Oh, just you two." Abby glanced between Leo and me, her smile turning devious.

Leo glanced at me with an eyebrow raised. Apparently, he noticed my embarrassment of this whole conversation, and he attempted to defend me by feigning confusion. "What about us?"

"It's fine, Leo. She knows," I blurted out.

"She knows what?" Leo asked with his own devious grin.

"Umm..." I bit my lip again, not knowing what else to say.

Leo turned to Abby with a grin. "Doesn't he look so adorable when he blushes?"

Oh God, don't flirt with me in front of Abby.

Him saying that, made my cheeks burn hotter. I pretended to dig for something in my locker.

"He kinda does, actually. Especially when his whole face turns bright red," Abby teased.

When will the bell ring, so I can leave this conversation?

"That's completely true, but you can't call my man adorable." He sent a wink at me. "Only I can."

The only part of that whole sentence I focused on was Leo calling me his man. Did that mean he was officially calling me his boyfriend or was he just joking about it?

Thankfully, the bell rang then, and I slammed my locker shut. I barely said goodbye to Abby before I trotted to my class.

"So, I was thinking about taking you out tonight."

I nearly jumped out of my skin from hearing Leo's voice. I swung my gaze to him and he was looking at me with an expectant look in his eyes.

"Wha-what?" I stammered.

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now