30. The Funeral

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"Mm...good morning..." Leo mumbled and snuggled closer to me. He pressed his warm chest against my back as he nuzzled my neck.

"Morning," I mumbled, snuggling closer to him.


"What time is it?" I bolted upright, startling Leo.

He glanced up at me from sleepy, unfocused eyes.

"I don't know, morning?" he mumbled and ran his fingers through his tangled mop of hair.

He looks so adorable when he wakes up.

A faint hint of stubble peppered his jawline, making him look sexy and delicious, and thin lines from the blankets spread along the left side of his face like a spider web.

"Shit." I tossed my phone in my pocket after I read the time, and attempted to get up.

Leo tugged me back down against the bed, then hovered over me. He planted his knees on either side of my hips, and his elbows on either side of my chest, trapping me against the mattress.

"Leo, I have to get up. My parents are going to kill me." I struggled underneath him, uselessly wearing myself out as Leo wouldn't budge. "Leo..." I growled, frustrated. I finally relented and relaxed against the mattress.

"You done?" Leo smirked at me.

He looked overly amused at my urgency to leave for some reason. "What the hell are you so happy about?"

He chuckled and slipped his hands under the shirt I borrowed from him. "It's only 10am." He swiped his thumb back and forth over my navel, eliciting a wave of goosebumps to rise along my skin.

"Only 10am? Do you not remember what time we got here?" I asked incredulously. I batted his hands away and wriggled out from underneath him. Well, unsuccessfully wriggled out from under him.

"I remember the exact time we got here. And I'm not worried about it." He laid on top of me and shifted his weight to his arms.

"You may not be worried, but I have to go back to the hospital," I complained, hating how whiny and pathetic I sounded.

"You actually don't," he retorted with a wide smirk tilting his lips.

I raised a brow.

"I called your mom yesterday after you passed out, and told her you would be sleeping over." He finally relented.

"You could've just told me that." I pressed both of my hands to his chest and finally threw him off of me. "You're such an asshole..." I murmured.

"Hey, I thought it was funny..." He shrugged nonchalantly as if he couldn't give a shit less that I practically had a panic attack over my parents not knowing where I was, and that I missed my curfew.

"It wasn't funny at all," I retorted, pulling Leo's shirt up and skating my hands along his abs.

"I have to say: you went from angry to seductive awfully fast," he murmured, catching my wrist and sliding my hand further up his shirt.

"You tried to seduce me first." I leaned over him, shifting my weight to one elbow so I could slide my hand up his leg, over his hip, and stopping once it reached his stomach.

He shivered slightly and curled his hand around the back of my neck. "I could lay here with you all day."

I pressed a kiss to his neck before nuzzling it. I breathed in the rich, spicy scent of him and mumbled, "Me too."

He kissed the side of my head and rolled us over onto our sides. He wedged his leg between mine and wrapped his arms around me, holding me against his chest.

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now