9. Study Sesh

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"Ugh, how the do you understand this crap?" Abby whined as she stared helplessly down at her algebra book.

I gave her a mischievous grin. "I'll help you if stop being so whiny."

Abby crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not being whiny."

I crossed my own arms over my chest, knowing that would irritate her, and smirked. "Really? You're being whiny, right now."

"Eath, can you please help me? You know I don't understand this crap," Abby pleaded.

"Fine, I guess I'll help you." I smiled and as I abandoned my history book and slid over to help her.

I looked over her work to see where she was going wrong, and I didn't find one thing that was incorrect.

"Well, it looks like you understand it just fine because everything is correct." I sat back down in front of my own books, proud of her that everything was correct because she really doesn't understand algebra. Neither did I for a while until something just clicked and for some reason, I now understand it.

She looked from her book to me with an astonished look in her eyes. "Really? Because it felt like I was doing it wrong the whole time."

"Yes, really. Just keep doing it the same way, and you'll get the rest correct." I sent her a proud smile.

She smiled happily, then returned back to her work, a new look of determination in her emerald eyes.

"What's up weirdos?" I heard Drew remark as he came in the dining room.

"Studying," I replied matter-of-factly without even looking up from my book.

"Cool, can you study for me, too?" he suggested.

"Nice try. I'm having a hard enough time studying for Abby's tests, and mine," I retorted, then sent Abby a smirk.

"Hey, you told me I was doing just fine," Abby growled.

"That doesn't surprise me since she's so amazing at algebra and all," Drew teased.

Abby glared at him, then sent me a pointed lokm look.

I grinned at her and turned back to Drew. "She's actually doing pretty damn well."

Abby smiled smugly at Drew. "See?"

Drew rolled his eyes at her, though he couldn't hide the grin on his lips as he stared at Abby. They stared at each other silently, a thousand words I couldn't decipher passing through their gazes.

"Wow, you guys really are a bunch of weirdos," Leo remarked, breaking the eye contact between Abby and Drew.

Abby tore her gaze away from him. She fixed her gaze on her algebra book, a flush pinkening her cheeks. And Drew stared down at the floor. What is going on between them?

I now remembered that Leo was the one speaking, and I froze in my seat. My heart started pounding a fluttery beat in my chest, as well.

Stay calm, Eath. Be cool.

I glanced up to see Leo leaning against the wall separating the living room from our kitchen and dining room.

Leo grinned directly at me, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "How do you know that Abby's doing well with her algebra?"

"Because he's a total nerd," Drew remarked as he leaned against the kitchen island.

I felt a hot flush creeping up the back of my neck. "I'm not a nerd."

"Yeah, he's not a nerd. He's just intelligent," Leo defended, sending a mischievous smile at me, accompanied by a wink. The wink--as usual--made my heart do somersaults in my chest.

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