3. Hospitals and Hotels

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A/N: This chapter has a lot of medical info, but I try to explain it as I go along. But if you have any questions please feel free to ask them. :)

Later my mom took me to the hospital to get my blood tested. After taking my blood, the nurse left us in a freezing exam room, anxiously waiting for my blood tests to come back. I knew I definitely needed platelets, but I was hoping that was all I needed.

"Hi, I'm so sorry that took so long. The labs are crazy today for some reason," my oncologist, Dr. K, said upon walking into the exam room.

Dr. K looked down at my chart, and I searched for some sort of clue as to what my chart said by the expression on her face. Though she held the same kind, yet serious expression she always has.

"Well...it looks like your platelets are extremely low, as well as your neutrophils"--a type of white blood cell--"so we're going to give you a blood transfusion. As well as some fluids since your a little dehydrated."

A relieved sigh escaped my lips as I knew that I could just get some blood and fluids transfused into my veins then go home and rest. Thank God.

"I'm concerned about how low your neutrophils are, though, and until we get them back up, I want to keep you here. Just to make sure you don't get sick," Dr. K finished saying as she laid my chart down.

I felt my shoulders physically slump after she finished speaking. I thought I would just be able to go home after this, and not have to stay in a boring, cold ass hospital room for who knows how long.

I've always hated going to the doctor since I was little. I even used to be so terrified of coming here, I screamed and cried the entire time, even when I was getting a simple check-up. I don't mind it so much anymore when I can just get a blood test, or whatever, then go home. But staying in the hospital? Now that's an entirely different story.

"Can't I just go home and wear a mask when I'm outside, or something?" I practically whined.

"You could, but I want to keep you here until tomorrow, at least. If your numbers are better then you can go home. Okay?" Dr. K answered gently.

I knew better than to disagree with her because no matter what I said, I was staying here until tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll just have to stay one night, then I can go home and not have to come back here for another few weeks. Though, I doubted that was happening.

"Room 341 is ready for you," Dr. K said with a mischievous smile. "And you'll have a roommate."

I raised an eyebrow at her, silently asking who it was, though she didn't offer a response.

"Come on sweetheart, let's get you settled in your room," Mom said as she grabbed her purse and gestured to the door.

I heaved a sigh, slid off the exam table, and shoved my hands into my jacket pockets, as they were freezing. My whole body was freezing actually, but my hands and feet were especially cold. I suppose that's nothing new.

"I guess I'll head up to my room then."


I stood in the middle of my room, looking around at the boring white walls, the plain grey tile flooring, and the ugly ass beige curtains when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, dude. Guess I know who my roommate is now."

I turned around to see one of my best friend's Will Newton standing there. He grinned at me as he threw his backpack down on his bed, then flopped down on the bed himself.

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