13. Bi, Bi Confusion

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"We're finally here! I just had to grab Mr. Slowpoke over here first," Abby announced, as she and Will entered my bedroom.

"Jesus Christ, Abby. How fast do you want me to get out of bed, when I felt like shit? Any when I don't even know why the fuck I'm here?" Will grumbled as he dropped down on the other side of my bed, almost crushing Twinkie. She let out a sigh of disgust and hopped off the bed.

"Whoops, sorry, Twink," Will apologized to Twinkie. She glared up at him from the floor, no doubt silently planning how to reclaim her spot on my bed.

Abby gave me an amused smirk. "Eath, would you like to fill Will in on what happened between you and you-know-who."

My cheeks burst into flames as I remembered why I even asked Abby and Will to come over today.

"Leo kissed me," I mumbled into my pillows.

"What was that? I couldn't hear what you said," Abby said feigning confusion.

I sat up, looking at Will who was genuinely confused, and Abby who looked like she was about to start bouncing up and down she was so excited to hear what I'd already told her.

"Leo kissed me," I responded again, cringing that I even told them.

"Wait, what? When did this happen?" Will asked only mildly surprised.

"I don't know. A couple days ago..." I shrugged, hoping they wouldn't pelt me with questions like I knew they would.

"Oh, bullshit. You know exactly when it happened. It was Tuesday," Abby replied smugly.

I glared at Abby, not specifically at her, but at how much my embarrassment was pleasing her. I called her after everything that happened with Leo, and I told her because I wanted actual advice, not for her to tease me the whole fucking time about it.

"Oh, come on you guys. I'm actually looking for some advice here," I whined.

"Okay, okay. We're sorry," Abby apologized with her lips twitching.

Will was trying equally as hard to maintain his composure. "Yeah. We'll stop."

"Thank you. Now, what the fuck do I do?" I grumbled.

"Okay, we'll start things easy. How did you two end up mouth-to-mouth?" Abby sat down on the floor next to my bed and crooked her arm on the mattress, using her hand to hold her head up.

"Um...well, he texted me..." I sent a pointed look at Abby. "Thanks for telling me you gave him my number, bt the way."

She shrugged and sent me an innocent smile, obviously not the least bit sorry.

"And then he came to visit me, and we talked for a little while...then he just kissed me," I continued, not wanting to tell them about the whole 'him calling me cute' thing or the fact that Leo was wearing makeup that day.

"What the hell were you guys talking about that would've led to Leo kissing you?" Will asked only half serious.

"Uh...we were talking about our hobbies." It technically wasn't a lie as we were talking about our hobbies.

"You were talking about your hobbies?" Will said slowly, not believing a word I said.

"Yep..." I trailed off.

"There had to have been some flirting or something leading up to that point," Abby asked, genuinely intrigued this time.

Don't you look cute when you're shocked... Leo's deep, sexy words echoed through my head, causing a heated flush to shoot across my skin.

"There was a little bit of flirting," I admitted, not wanting to elaborate.

"Really? What did he say! Let me in on all the details!" Abby bounced up and down on the floor, causing Twinkie to glance over, confused by her behavior.

I sighed not wanting to tell them what he actually said as this was already embarrassing as hell, especially if I told them Leo called me cute, and that he "liked seeing my vulnerable side".

"Umm, he may have...called me cute..." I felt the words spilling from my mouth even though I didn't want them to.

Will exclaimed, "He called you cute?!"

"Aww, that's so adorable!" Abby also exclaimed with a massive smile covering her entire face.

I dropped my head in my hand and grumbled, "You guys aren't helping. Still!"

"I'm sorry, Eath. But you have to admit this is like the most exciting thing you've done in quite a while," Abby apologetically teased, her lips pulling into a smirk.

"That's not..." I started to say, then realized that was the truth. I haven't really done anything particularly exciting (except for getting sick), and kissing Leo certainly was quite exciting.

To be completely honest, I haven't been able to stop thinking about the kiss. Ever since Leo walked...well, practically ran out of my hospital room, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

"So, why does this bother you so much, anyway?" Will asked while stretching out on my bed.

Why does this bother me so much? That's a good question, Will.

"I don't know. I'm just so confused. I've never felt like this about a guy before," I responded truthfully...well, not entirely truthfully.

"So, you like, like Leo, correct?" Abby asked after a moment, sounding like a middle schooler.

"Yeah, I do," I responded without hesitation. As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized how true they were. I did like Leo. And I liked him a lot.

"So, what's the problem then? It's obvious how much he likes you, so why do you keep freaking out about this." Will shrugged, obviously not bothered by my dilemma.

I sat there staring at my wall, wondering why the fuck did I care so much. I liked him (a lot), and he wouldn't have kissed me if he didn't like me right? And it's obvious he's gay by the makeup, and him flirting with me, and...that's when I realized that if I like Leo that meant I was gay right? I had to be to like a guy right?

"What's on your mind right now?" Abby asked gently, interrupting my thoughts, then playfully kicking my foot.

"Do you guys think I'm gay?" I blurted out.

"Yes," Will teased.

I sent him a glare and the smirk on his lips faded.

"Alright, one more question before I answer that," Abby said with a question in her eyes.

"Go ahead," I said cautiously.

"For as long as I've known you you've liked girls, we all know that. But now you're realizing you like boys too, correct?" She raised a brow, an expectant look in her eyes.

I had literally no idea where she was going with this, hell, I might even be more confused than when Leo kissed me.

I shrugged. "All of that's true."

Abby was silent for a moment, before responding simply, "I think you're bi actually. Because you like girls and guys."

How did I not think of that? I'm bi. That sounded right somehow. I knew about bi people, obviously, but I never thought about myself being bi.

"I'm guessing you didn't think about that?" Will asked with a smirk.

I shook my head, sending a playful glare at Will. "No, apparently I didn't, but it does make sense. I'm attracted to girls and guys...so..."

"So, you're bi?" Abby filled in slightly smugly, no doubt taking responsibility for the little epiphany I just had.

"I guess. I am," I agreed, a strange sense of peace washing over me. Peace that I'd finally figured out why the hell I'm attracted to guys and girls.

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now