29. Thunder and Hearts

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"You want something to eat?" Leo gently pushed me out of his lap, and reached in the cooler.

"What did you bring?" I asked, feigning interest, though I wasn't the least bit hungry.

"Some leftover pizza and chips." He shrugged and sent me a grin.

I sent him a grin back. "Excellent food selection." 

He rolled his eyes and shrugged again. "So? Who doesn't enjoy pizza and greasy chips?"

"You got anything interesting to drink?" I dropped my voice to a murmur and let it adopt a sensual tone.

Interest sparked in his hazy eyes. "I have a few options," he murmured, his voice also low and seductive.

"What they are they? Are they thick...or sweet?" I sent him an innocent smile and leaned back on my hands.

"Eathy." Leo abandoned the cooler and atempted to tackle me.

I placed my hand on his chest and held him in place. Frustraion pooled in his eyes. I shook my head and pushed him back on his ass. "We're in public, remember?" I teased, loving how easily I could frustrate him, yet make him all hot and bothered at the same time.

"You're evil, you know," he muttered grumpily.

I grinned mischievously at him. "Patience, Leo. You were the one who brought me to the movies, so now you have to watch it."

"Well, that was before you decided to relentlessly turn me on," he retorted, glancing pointedly down at his lap.

"It's fun teasing you," I replied innocently.

I honestly was surprised at where this sudden flirting, teasing...master had come from. I'd always been awkward and embarrassed when it came to flirting with my previous girlfriends, but apparently, Leo just brought this sexual...power out of me.

"Bastard," he muttered with a chuckle.

I'm the bastard that loves you...

God, I wanted so badly to admit those words. They've shot through my head a few times in the past, but I quickly disregarded them, thinking it was just because I was just infatuated with him. I thought I was just thinking those three little words because I loved him as a friend, but I was actually deeply and madly in love with him.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Leo asked, interrupting my Leo-induced haze.

"What do you mean?" I asked, glancing away embarrassed.

"You've been staring at me with a big, dopey grin on your face." He grinned, humor dancing in his eyes.

Because I was thinking about how much I love you?

"I was just thinking," I muttered, grumpily sitting up and digging in the cooler for this pizza he supposedly had in there.

"What were you thinking about?" he murmured in my ear. His mouth brushed the top of my ear; sending a jolt of tingles shooting down my spine as his hand curved around my thigh again.

"You..." I admitted. That technically wasn't a lie, it was simply half the truth.

"Anything in particular?" he murmured as his lips traveled down the side of my head to my neck. His hand slid over my hip and curved around my ass.

I had to physically bite my lip so I wouldn't moan. "How amazing you are?" I answered only partially sarcastically.

He chuckled against my skin and murmured, "No, you're amazing..." His lips traveled to my jaw as his fingers curled around my chin. He tipped my head back, allowing him more access to my skin.

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now