4. Leo has cancer?

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The next day, Will and I were playing COD in my hospital room. Well, I should say I'm playing as Will was practically half asleep the entire time. Luckily he's barely trying though, because when he actually does try, he kicks my ass. Every single time. So I'm kicking his ass for once.

"You boys should get ready for support group," Mom said, interrupting my ass-kickery. She glanced at the clock on the wall, then sent me a pointed look. It said 1:45, which meant support group started in 15 minutes.

I turned to Will as I got up and turned the Xbox off. "Yeah, we should get going."

Will's dirty blonde hair is long gone from the chemo, along with most of his eyebrows. His mahogany brown eyes drooped as if it was a chore simply keeping them open. He handed me his controller, then pressed his thumbs to his temples. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna sit this one out," he mumbled, his voice tired and groggy. He leaned back in his bed and grimaced as his head hit the pillow. His eyes drifted closed, and he sighed as he shifted around, trying to get comfortable.

His treatment yesterday was really hitting him hard today.

"Yeah, you look like crap," I remarked.

He slowly opened his eyes and snorted. "Yeah, I feel like it too. You're lucky you're not on this shit anymore." His eyes drifted closed again, and he yanked his blanket over his chest.

I grabbed my phone, my jacket, and my mask. "See ya later, Mom!" I called as I ducked out of the room.

"Bye sweetheart!"

I slid my surgical mask over my face as I left my room, the thin material already itching my skin. I'm required to wear the annoying things when I leave my room, and I hate every damn minute of it. They're itchy, I can't eat or drink with it on, and it's just plain annoying in general.
I hate wearing them, but I guess I'd rather wear a mask, then get sick with something that might kill me.


I scanned the refreshment table full of chips, bland snack crap, and flavorless fruit punch, trying to figure out what I wanted to snack on until the meeting started. All of it sucked, so I don't know why I was contemplating this so hard. I guess I was just bored and wanted something to do since Will wasn't here.

"Hey, Ethan."

I glanced up from the table to see my acquaintance Lucy. She's a pretty nice girl, but we don't really know each other since she just recently joined the group, and we don't really hang out outside of the group either.

I smiled (then felt like a dumbass because she couldn't tell I was smiling) and answered, "Hey, Lucy. How've you been?"

She sighed, but her lips curved into a small smile. "Achy, rashy, and nauseous."

I laughed. "Yeah, chemo's a real bitch."

She smiled at me as her cheekbones turned pink. "Um, yeah. Pretty much."

I gestured to the table of "food" in front of us. "You want a drink or some shitty chips?"

She smiled and shook her head. "No thanks. I haven't been able to keep anything down today, and I don't wanna puke in the middle of the meeting."

"I've done that. It's mortifying," I said with a laugh, even though I felt my cheeks heating up at the memory.

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now