10. Pizza Party

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I was sitting on the couch watching Lea attempting to finish her rainbow puzzle. Well...technically that was my excuse for avoiding Leo as much as possible until dinner. There was no way in hell that I would get caught alone with Leo as I had no idea how I would act-semi-normal around him. I already acted like an awkward dumbass around him earlier, so I didn't need any more motivation to embarrass myself.

"Etan! Help me!" Lea whined after a few minutes of fumbling with her puzzle. She pursed her lips in frustration, and she threw her puzzle piece down.

I couldn't help but smile (she just looks so freakin adorable when's she's mad) as I scooted over to Lea. "What do you need help with, Lee?"

She thrust her puzzle piece at me. "Put it togeder."

I took the piece from her, a grin pulling at my lips. "I'm not finishing it for you, but I'll help you."

Lea crawled up into my lap and sent me a help me then look.

I chuckled and placed the piece she gave me where it was supposed to go. "See? That's where it goes." I pushed the piece into place and sent her a grin.

Lea's eyes widened as she scanned the puzzle, taking in all the colors on the small pieces of cardboard. "Oo! Do anoder!" She wildly clapped her pudgy little hands together.

I placed another piece where it was supposed to go, though I didn't press it in place. "Do you think this one goes here?" I asked.

Her eyebrows pulled together in concentration. After a minute of analysis, she screeched, "Yeah!"

"Gosh, what's with all the noise in here?" Mom remarked as she came into the living room.

"Lea's figuring out her puzzle," I replied proudly.

Mom smiled down at Lea. "Great job, sweetie!"

Lea placed the last piece in the last remaining spot, then said smugly, "I did it! All by myself."

Mom clapped enthusiastically and stooped down to lift Lea from my lap. "I'm so proud of you, sweetie! Good job."

"Apparently, I don't get any recognition for helping her finish it," I remarked, feigning hurt.

"Did your brother help you, Lea?" Mom tsked.

A sheepish smile spread across Lea's face. "No."

Mom sent me a questioning look, and I shook my head in response. Mom laughed as she turned back to her con-artist daughter. "Lea, you can't say you did it by yourself when your brother helped you," she scolded lightly.

"Why?" Lea questioned, a puzzled expression on her little face.

"Because, it's not nice," Mom replied.

Lea glanced at me, her eyes filling with apology. "I sorry, Etan..."

"It's fine little sis," I responded with a grin.

I heard the oven timer start loudly chirping then.

Mom murmured, "Oh, that's the oven."

She set Lea down on the floor and went into the kitchen to tend to the food.

Lea toddled over to the couch and climbed up next to me. She crawled into my lap and snuggled up to my chest. "Cartoons. Pwease?"

"Sure." I reached over to grab the remote.

I didn't particularly wanna watch loud annoying cartoons when I had a horrendous headache, but it would keep Lea quiet and happy, so I guess I would just have to deal with it.

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now