15. Meeting The Malones

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What the fuck was I thinking when I suggested that Leo kissed me? Oh right, I wasn't thinking.

My head was spinning at the thought of getting into a car with Leo after making out with him.

He was staring at me with a devious look in his eyes and a smug smile on his face.

I reluctantly pushed off the wall, careful to keep my distance from him. "I guess I did make a promise..."

Leo's smile widened. "You did. My car's that way." He pointed towards a black four door sedan in the parking lot.

"Let me just text my dad..." I pulled my phone out of my pocket, but slid it right back in as dad pulled up to the curb, rendering the text I was about to send useless.

Dad rolled down the window and called, "Hey bud! You ready to go home? I'm making burgers."

"Leo and I are gonna hang out, so I may be late for dinner," I felt the words easily fall from my lips. Hanging out wasn't part of Leo's deal, but I wanted to. I wanted to hang out with Leo, and just Leo. That realization just hit me like a ton of bricks. I liked Leo, hell, I liked him a lot, but I've never wanted to hang out with him alone before like I did now.

Dad slowly nodded. "Alright, do you plan on driving him home, Leo?"

Leo nodded, a charming smile tilting his lips. "Of course. I'll have him back by..?" he trailed off raising an eyebrow, waiting for dad to tell him my curfew.

"I'll be home by eight," I supplied. My curfew was technically eleven, but I wouldn't be staying over that long, so Leo didn't need to know my curfew.

"Alright. Well, you boys have fun," dad slowly agreed, then waved at me.

I returned the wave as he rolled the window up and drove away.

Leo turned to me with a mischievous look in his eyes, his lips curving into a downright devilish smirk. "Oh, we'll have some fun, won't we?"

"Uhh...maybe." I felt my cheeks heating up at all the fun things Leo was talking about.

Get your damn head out of the gutter, Ethan!

As we headed towards Leo's car, I purposefully stayed a good foot or so to Leo's right so he wouldn't get any ideas while we were walking to his car. But he kept his distance, keeping his hands in his pockets until we reached his car.

Leo grabbed his keys out of his pocket as we reached his car, and he unlocked it, sending me a small grin in the process, which made my stomach do a summersault.

I headed around to the passenger side, my heart pounding like there was a jackhammer in my chest. I pulled the door open, and slid into the passenger seat.

The interior of Leo's car was all black: the seats, the dashboard, the floor, all of it was black. It did look sleek and stylish but it was also making it hotter than hell in here.

Leo slid into his seat and grumbled, "Jesus, it's fucking hot in here." He turned the car on, then he blasted the AC.

He turned to me after the vents started blasting mildly cool air, a curious look in his eyes. "You cool with me turning the AC all the way up?"

"Uh, yeah. It's really fucking hot in here," I instantly agreed.

"Alright. Once it cools down, you can set it to whatever you want." He clicked his seatbelt into place and put the car in reverse.

"It's your car, you can control the temperature," I retorted, a small smile forming on my lips.

He shook his head, a grin pulling at his lips. "It doesn't matter to me. I want you to be comfortable."

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now