24. Drowning In Boredom

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A/N I hope you like this one, even if it's slightly sad, but there are still some funny parts in between the sad stuff, so I hope you like it. 😋

Where am I, and what the fuck happened?

I struggled to keep my eyes open, as I looked around. My gaze was blurry and unfocused as my eyes adjusted to the darkness around me.

Beep. Beep. Beep. What is that noise?

I glanced around trying to find the annoying beeping, and my eyes landed on a blurry heart monitor.
The red line was erratically spiking, and beeping every time the line spiked, alerting everyone around me that I was still alive.

"Ethan, you need to calm down and rest," came the soft, familiar voice of a nurse.

"Why? What happened?" I rasped. The oxygen mask on my face muffled my voice even more than it already was, so I had no idea how she even heard me.

"Shhh, everything will be explained tomorrow, but right now you need to rest," she murmured gently.

"But..." I trailed off, the words dying on my tongue.

"There, that'll make you sleepy enough till morning," the nurse murmured to herself more than me.

Wait! What did she...?

My thoughts even trailed off as my eyes drifted closed, and I felt my heart start slowing down.

"Good, now just sleep. It'll all make sense in the morning," was the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep sleep, again.


"No, I don't know how much longer I'll be off work..." My blurry, unfocused mother was pacing back and forth and talking a mile a minute into her phone.

I wondered how long I'd been out for as I glanced around at the blurry white walls of the hospital room, trying to get my gaze to focus.

I didn't even remember why I was here, or what the hell happened, but I wanted answers. Obviously that nurse wouldn't allow me to get them last night, so I would get them today.

"Mom," I said weakly as I tried to sit up, and managed to get halfway upright before I gave up and fell back against the hard hospital bed.

Mom's phone conversation immediately ended. Her jaw dropped open as she stared at me speechless, and all of the color drained from her face.

"Coffee delivery man is here," dad said nonchalantly as he strode into the room with a cardboard drink carrier holding two large coffees.

"What?" he asked as he saw mom's shocked expression.

"He's awake," mom whispered, still staring at me wide-eyed.

Dad spun around and his jaw dropped open as he noticed me silently blinking at them confused. Why are they so surprised that I'm awake?

"Go get Dr. K," mom ordered as she took the coffee from dad.

"Yeah...right," Dad said distractedly as he turned around and jogged out of the room.

"Hey...sweetie," mom said slowly as she shakily set the coffee and her phone down.

"What's going on?" I croaked as I slipped the stupid oxygen mask off my face.

"Umm, you," she trailed off as tears filled her eyes, and her lip started to quiver.

"You probably have a lot of questions, that I'd be happy to answer, but I have a few for you first," Dr. K supplied calmly as she strode into the room, followed by dad who was swiftly typing something on his phone.

REVISED:The Boy With A Touch Of Cancer (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now