Chapter 1

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Gabriela, Gabby for her friends is the daughter of King Arthur and Queen Leyla. The mother of the dark-haired girl was named queen of the Quiet Woods by Aslan himself, she was loved by everyone but especially by her dear friends the Pevensies. Especially Susan and Lucy loved Leyla, they were inseparable. When the siblings left Narnia after having reigned for many years they chose Leyla to reign Narnia during their absence. The queen missed her friends a lot, so much that on some days the void was so unbearable that she thought about ending it all.

 That was before she met King Arthur, he was the love of her life and reigned with her. A couple of years after their marriage they were blessed with a daughter who they named Gabriela, which means 'warrior of god'. Life was peaceful in Narnia, however not much later this era of peace was followed by a period of panic when a group of people invaded Narnia. This group called themselves Telmarines. 

At first, there was fear of a total invasion and loss of Narnian lives. However, thanks to Queen Leyla and King Arthur there was no bloodshed because they came to an agreement to rule together with the Telmarine king. Just like the Kings and Queens of Old did. The Telmarine king who was named Caspian the ninth turned out to be a kind man and a loved king. After some time he became close friends with Leyla and Arthur, it was a tight group of friends. Even their kids, Gabby and Caspian the tenth became best friends. The prince and princess were inseparable, you would always find them together. 

There was peace in all of Narnia but sadly not for long. When Caspian reached the age of fourteen his dad got brutally murdered. Caspian wasn't old enough to reign and that's why his uncle Miraz stepped in and became a "temporary" king. Something that Caspian didn't know was the fact that his uncle locked Leyla, Arthur and Gabby up in the dungeons beneath the castle. Miraz told his nephew that he came to an agreement with the former king and queen that they would move away and that they would give up their royal title to him. 

This was all a big fat lie of course but Caspian didn't know that at the time. The prince was furious about the fact that his best friend left without saying goodbye. If only he had known that she was in the same castle as him. Gabby's parents got tortured on a daily basis to get information out of them about the location of Narnians. Miraz wanted Narnians to be extinct, no more stories about Aslan and the Kings and Queens of Old were allowed. When Miraz saw that Leyla and Arthur were no further use to him, he gave the order to slowly murder them in front of Gabby's eyes. The girl was left alone broken and vulnerable, the tyrant wanted to use this to its fullest and gave the order to now start torturing Gabby to see if she would let go of any information. 

She didn't but Miraz kept her captive for 6 years until one night changed it all. It was a cold spring night when Miraz's wife gave birth to a son. This newborn would mean the death of Caspian since now Miraz has an heir of his own and that's why he gave the order to have his nephew killed. A lot of guards were apparently needed to take out the prince and that means that now Gabby's cell was poorly guarded.

'Where did everyone go?' the girl asked to the one remaining guard, he just ignored her but Gabby wouldn't give up. 'I'm talking to you, you retarded donkey' this statement seemed to strike a nerve but not enough to get him to come closer. 'Don't you think it's weird that all the guards get summoned for this important mystery task and you get to guard this harmless little girl? They don't think very highly of you, do they?' now Gabby got the reaction that she wanted 'Shut up you vicious bitch!' the guard yelled angrily while taking a step forward. Perfect, Gabby thought as she grabbed the man's head through the bars and pulled his head with all the power she had against the bars. 

The man was left knockout in front of her cell with the keys around his neck. Gabby got the keys from his neck and freed herself. After 6 years, she was finally free. She sprinted to the courtyard while ignoring all the commotion that was going on in the castle. She had to focus on escaping. 'Stop!' she heard someone yell from behind her, before she could try anything she felt the sharp tip of a sword pricking her back. Damnit, she was so close to her freedom. The princess decided she wouldn't go back into the castle alive so she would put up a fight and that's exactly what she did. She turned around, gripped the sword with her both hands and head-butted the admiral. The admiral fell back and Gabby had to recover from the sudden effort, she got deep cuts on her hands and some scratches on her face but nothing life-threatening. The admiral was ready to strike her again when he suddenly got knocked from behind and fell on the floor with a thud. 

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