Chapter 8

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Gabby sat on one of the balconies, she listened to the birds which were busy singing their beautiful songs to their beloved ones. The girl closed her eyes and finally cooled down. When she was standing there being called a liar it actually felt like she was being locked up again, she felt imprisoned at that exact moment.

'Here you are, we've been looking everywhere for you Susan sighed as she pulled the girl from her deep thoughts.

'I'm fine, just trying to cool down a bit' the girl said while giving the two sisters a faint smile

'No you're not fine and that's completely fine. Peter was a jerk and you did not deserve that' Lucy said as she sat next to the girl and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

'Thank you, both of you. I haven't felt this kind of warmth in a very long time'

'We're here for you, whatever you need. We're friends now, heck, you're family now' Susan smiled with a warmth that filled Gabby with happiness, she wasn't alone anymore.

'Yay, we have an extra sister!' Lucy exclaimed laughing

The girls all chuckled happily as they hugged each other, sealing their new bond.

The happy moment got interrupted by a small and barely noticeable cough. The girls all turned around to see Peter standing there scratching the back of his head.

'We'll leave you two, for a moment' Lucy snickered

'Oh and Gabby, don't be afraid to kick him in the butt if he says anything stupid again' Susan said as she smacked the back of her brother's head on her way out.

As soon as the two sisters left, Peter sat next to Gabby.

'I'm sorry for how I acted earlier, it wasn't my place to question you'

'It's forgiven but if I can please give you a small piece of advice, don't judge people without knowing their whole story'

'You're right and I shall take that lesson with me for the rest of my life'

'Perfect' the girl smiled

They both sat there staring at the grassland before Peter broke the silence

'I knew your mother'

'I beg your pardon?' Gabby almost choked on her words

'She was a friend of ours. We got to know her during our reign and when we left we entrusted the kingdom to her. She ruled all of Narnia in our absence and did an amazing job doing so'

'What was she like, as a friend'

'We all loved her, even when the days were dark and depressing she figured out a way to be the light in people's lives. She always put others before herself and was one of the most selfless people I have known. Honestly, she's quite an inspiration to me'

'Thank you, Peter, just what I needed to hear'


'What about the battleplans for tonight?'

'I'm going through with it but I don't expect you to come, although I would feel a lot safer with a brave warrior like you around' he chuckled as he gave a small push

'You're a stubborn mule, aren't you? Fine, I'm coming but only because your sisters kind off adopted me and I can't get my newest relative to die, can't I?'

'Welcome to the family and thank you for tagging along' the boy smiled. He was relieved that everything was cleared up between the two of them. Because he knew Gabby's mother he did feel kind off like a big brother to her and he swore that he would always keep her safe, he had to, for his old friend.

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