Chapter 4

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Gabby's mind was tortured by violent nightmares that night. Her brain did not get a second's rest and was constantly under fire from the memories she had of the time she was held. 

Caspian could not sleep that night, his thoughts were elsewhere too. He couldn't believe that she was just under his feet all these years, being tortured when he thought she had just left. He felt the guilt eating him up inside. He also wondered if anything had changed about their relationship, when they were little they were best friends but now it seemed to be a bit more. If the Prince was honest with himself he had to admit that he was beginning to develop romantic feelings for her. She is a beautiful, strong, brave and inspiring woman, he would be happy to have such a person next to him to rule Narnia. 

Caspian impulsively decided to go and see if Gabby was still awake, but when he arrived at her door, a wave of concern engulfed him. He heard her turning and tossing between the sheets and something that sounded like soft crying. He decided to go and see if everything was all right and opened and closed the door as quietly as possible so as not to wake her. When he entered the room and saw her lying there, his observations were confirmed. Her cheeks were stained with tears, she looked sweaty and tenuous. The Prince decided to awaken his friend gently and free her from the nightmare that had been tormenting her all night. 

'Gabby, wake up' he said in a soft, calm voice as he gently shook her side. 

The girl woke up, grabbed a knife from under her pillow and held it to the throat of her would-be attacker. 

'Gabby, it's all right. It's me, Caspian' 

'Damnit, I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to scare you like that! And certainly not threaten you' the Princess said with a look filled with guilt as she sat down with her back to the Prince. She was wearing a nightgown that a female dwarf called Helga had made for her, it was made of a moveable fabric that made it extremely comfortable. It was a nightgown with thin straps and a deep cut both in the front and back. 

Caspian said nothing and looked at his friend who sat with her back turned to him. When he actually looked at her back, it didn't take him long to notice the immense scars. Before he could restrain himself he ran his finger over one of the numerous scars 

'Geez Gabs, how did you get these? Who did this to you?'

The girl was startled by the sudden touch, right at the place where she feels most vulnerable, and turned around while gripping his hand tightly.

'Please, let it go Cas' 

'No, where did you get this from?!' his face had a mixed expression, both sadness and immense anger. Tears flowed down Gabby's cheeks and after a while, she finally found the courage to answer 

'This my prince, is the work of art that your uncle made himself' 

'Miraz did this? 

Gabby nodded 'Every time his men didn't get any information out of me he decided to make an attempt himself. At first, he just grabbed the object within reach; chairs, sticks, arrows, daggers, it didn't matter as long as it bled. In recent years he had discovered his favourite means of repeating this process, again and again, the whip. The guards present made me take off my top and tie me to the cell wall and then Miraz could have his fun. I am convinced that in the beginning, he did it purely for the information but in the end, it seemed as if he enjoyed it and did it more for his own pleasure.'

 Caspian did not know what to say to the girl who sat before him with her head bowed. He lifted her chin slightly so she was looking at him and said 

'I'm really sorry you had to go through that and believe me now I want to kill that tyrant even more but something like that will never happen to you again. I will personally make sure of that.' 

Gabby laid her head on his shoulder and said nothing for a while but suddenly broke the silence

'I had a nightmare'

'I know, I heard you tossing and turning when I was standing in front of your door'

'Why were you standing in front of my door?'

'I couldn't sleep'

'Than that makes to of us'

'Do you want to talk about your nightmare?'

'It's not that big of a deal, it was just a memory replaying itself constantly'

'What memory?'

'It think if I would tell that you would get a horse and go kill Miraz immediately'

'Tell me'

'Fine, there was this one time that I was on the verge of dying'

Caspian furrowed his eyebrows in confusion so Gabby explained

'When Miraz found out there were still Narnians alive some time ago he couldn't contain himself and released all his anger on me. When he was finished I couldn't breathe, was covered in bruises and bleeding out. I begged him to let me die but he just laughed at me and called for a doctor. I passed out after losing loads of blood and when I woke up I cried seeing that I wasn't dead but still locked up in my cell.'

'I'm going to kill that son of a bitch'

'Easy Cas, don't underestimate him like my parents did' Gabby said with a stern but also saddened voice.

'I won't underestimate him, promise. I will promise you another thing and that's this will never happen to you ever again, I won't leave your side. You mean to much to me'

'I missed you Cas'

'I missed you too Gabs'

Gabby was now heavily yawning and was dozing off, it took her a lot of effort to keep her eyes open.

'Do you want me to leave so you can sleep?'

'No! Will you stay with me?'

'Of course, I will, anything for you'

And with that, they both got comfortable and fell asleep within minutes.

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