Chapter 10

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Before they knew it Peter sprinted towards the courtyard, the rest ran after him and Gabby just stood there for a second, nodding her head in disbelief. She couldn't believe that this guy was actually planning on continuing with this stupid plan.

 The girl wasn't the only one that disagreed with the approach because when Gabby arrived in the courtyard she could hear Susan screaming at her brother begging him to call it off. However, as expected, Peter didn't give in and just continued with what he was doing. The four of them were now turning the wheel that opened the gate as Edmund signalled the troops. There was no turning back now, it was up to them now. 

After a fraction of a second, the army stormed through the gate and the four of them turned around with their weapons pointed fiercely at the sky as Peter yelled 'For Narnia'. The group split up and each chose their target. It didn't go well at all, they were losing big time but they all pushed through and didn't give up. Especially Gabby, she was fighting as she had never done before. 

She felt invincible, she didn't get tired at all contrary to her opponent whose technique was getting rather sloppy and that's why it didn't take her long to get rid of him. As she wiped the blood of her daggers onto her sleeve she looked around that the section that she chose was almost empty, although that's not entirely true since the place was filled with corpses. When she looked at them, she kind of felt awful for killing all these men but then she realised why she was fighting them. They had no intention the spare any Narnian, the Telmarines wanted them to be extinct. For years, Gabby tried to find the good things in the Telmarines but they were just brainwashed by Miraz. There was no use in trying to reason with them.

Gabby looked around one more time and now with some kind of pride, she couldn't help but laugh to herself. When she looked up she saw Miraz standing on his balcony, he was looking rather nervous. The girl saluted him, winked at him provocatively and smiled as she went to help the others. The princess saw that Peter was running up the stairs towards Miraz. She knew that Peter could handle the situation and continued looking for someone who could use a hand. Susan seemed to be doing just fine. Gabby liked her a lot, she thought she was so badass but she was also one of the kindest people she has ever met. 

Then she saw him, Caspian was fighting a soldier but what he didn't notice was that another one was creeping up on him. Gabby decided to do the exact same thing to that soldier, she sneaked up on him and charged as soon as he noticed.

'You know, it's not polite to sneak up on people like that' the girl smirked as she threw one of her daggers at the left shoulder of her opponent.

'Shut up, you filthy traitor'

'Thank you!' Gabby laughed. The soldier looked at her questioning not knowing how to react

'For what?'

'Giving me an extra boost to chop your head off'

The man was really taken aback by the language that came out of the mouth of a woman, they were supposed to be submissive and polite. Gabby used that surprised reaction and ended him within a second. When she looked at Caspian, she saw that he was also looking at her. He realised that she just saved him and send her a thanking nod. She winked at him and smiled, however, this fraction of a second that she was distracted by one of the Telmarine soldiers that attacked her. He did successfully surprise her since he was able to slash her arm which resulted in a nasty deep cut that was bleeding aggressively. However, as usual, Gabby bit through the pain and pretended like it wasn't there. She was used to a lot worse than this.

'Big mistake, you moron' she huffed as she threw a hit at him.

It didn't take her much to take this one down, he wasn't as clever as she expected him to be. The soldier's moves were extremely predictable. When that fight was finally ended she starred down at the cut on her arm when she heard Pete yelling

'Fall back! Retreat!'

And that's when she saw it, the reason why Peter called our troops back, the weights that kept the gate open were cut and now there was this minotaur holding it up so that they could escape. Miraz wanted to undermine this and ordered his archers to shoot at the creature in order to entrap the Narnians in the courtyard. Peter ordered a centaur to get his sister out of there and got on a horse himself. The only thing that Gabby could think about in this chaos was Caspian, where was he? He just vanished into thin air when she was distracted for less than a second. The question answered itself when Caspian rode into the courtyard on a horse, just like his professor. He held the reigns of a third in his hands and handed them to the princess who was relieved to learn that the prince was safe. The tears jumped in her eyes when she used her wounded arm to get on the horse but she didn't make a sound hoping that Caspian wouldn't notice. Of course, he did notice and gave her a worried look. The princess shook her head and mouthed that she was fine

'We should get out of here before it's too late' Gabby said while looking at the minotaur that was using his last strength. The prince nodded and rode off with the professor and the girl following suit. They got out just in time and were now standing on the opposite side of the bridge next to Susan who was still seated on the back of the minotaur. It was Peter who was still missing but not for long. He was still standing by the gate, looking at his army that was destined to die on the other side. The Narnias yelled to him that he should run and that it was too late for them. Peter, of who's head was clouded with the thought of failure, didn't notice that the bridge was going up.

'Peter! The bridge!' Gabby yelled, pulling him from his thoughts.

Peter barely makes it to the other side but he did it. Now it was time to return to the How and this promised to be a long ride home. Not a word was said on the journey back to the fortress. When they finally arrived it was Lucy that came running outside to welcome them but her smile slowly faded when she saw how much of the army remained.

'What happened?' the little girl asked in confusion

'Ask him' sneered Peter while pointing to the prince

'Peter' Susan said warningly

'Me? You could have called it off. There was still time'

'No, there wasn't thanks to you. If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now'

'And, if we would have stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be!'

'You called us, remember?'

'My first mistake'

'No, you're first mistake was thinking you could lead these people'

'Hey!! I'm not the one who abandoned Narnia'

'You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to it than Miraz does. You, him, your father...Narnia's better off without the lot of you'

Big mistake, Gabby thought to herself and she was proven correct by the two boys drawing their swords and pointing them at each other.

'Will you stop it? Both off you!' the princess yelled, she was furious with the behaviour of the two of them. She walked towards them and grabbed both of their swords and pushed them down with quite some force.

'You!' she yelled pointing at the King of Old 'You should've listened in the first place! We warned you about this but like usual you're too arrogant to listen! Get your head out of your ass, you're not better than everyone. Yes, you're a king so start acting like one!'

Peter was completely startled by Gabby that he couldn't find any words to react. The girl now turned to Caspian

'And you! You should've killed Miraz when you had the chance. I can't believe you were that selfish when you're supposed to be selfless when wanting to become a king of Narnia.'

'These people' Gabby shouted while pointing at the remaining army 'They believed in both of you and now they might believe that they shouldn't have. Is that the message that you want to send to your people? I believe not, so get yourself together for God's sake and start acting like a king' and with that she stormed into the How. 

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