Chapter 9

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The castle became visible and the griffins got in position to drop us off according to plan. Edmund was dropped first at one of the towers that looked over the grasslands in front of the castle where the troops were hiding in the shadows. It was his task to signal them when it was time to attack.

The rest of the group approached their drop-off point as well, the griffins flew really low so and that's why Susan and Caspian could already take two of the guards out. A millisecond later they got dropped off and the griffins flew away in the night. They would always be near but never be seen, they would always be hiding in the dark. As soon as their feet hit the ground, the whole battle had already started since there were already two dead bodies and Peter just added one.

Caspian agreed to go with them but on one condition, they would take his professor with them and that was exactly where they were headed. The group of 4 neared the professor's study from above and threw a rope down the window so that they could climb down. Peter went first and was followed by Susan and Caspian. While Gabby was climbing down she thought to herself about how stupid this plan was and about the outcome of this fight that was about to go down, she had the feeling that it was going to be a complete disaster. The girl's thoughts were ended by the feeling of two firm hands gripping hold of her waist and pulling her through the window. When the princess finally stood inside the study she looked up to meet his warm brown eyes and whispered a quiet

'Thank you'

'Anytime, princess' he answered with a barely noticeable smirk and a wink

Gabby laughed to herself as the prince turned around and walked to the desk which belonged to the professor. Caspian knew that something was off, his professor would barely leave this office.

'I have to find him' the prince said as he picked up his professor's glasses. Gabby could see the fear in his eyes, she knew what Miraz was capable of when someone bothered him.

'You don't have time' Peter said frustrated

'You wouldn't even be here without him. And neither would I' the prince pleaded

The two eldest Pevensie siblings exchanged glances and Susan attempted to convince her brother as well

'We can take care of Miraz'

'And I can still make it to the gatehouse in time'

'I'll go with him, in case he needs back-up' Gabby now stepped in as she looked at Peter. The king eventually gave in and the prince and princess ran off toward the dungeons.

'Thank you for coming with' Caspian said as they arrived at the dungeons

'No problem, besides, you wouldn't survive a second without this extraordinary warrior having your back' Gabby laughed as she pointed her thumbs to herself. The prince laughed and entered the dungeons. A shiver was sent down the girl's spine, she wished she had never had to come here again in her entire life again but here she was.

'Do you mind if I stay here, I'll be the look out'

'No of course not, I understand' he answered as he squeezed her shoulder lightly. The prince walked inside and she stayed behind. It seemed like Caspian had found his lost professor since she could hear them talking but she couldn't understand what they were saying exactly. It wasn't long after that Caspian stormed out and almost forgot about Gabby standing there waiting for him.

'What's wrong?' Gabby asked in confusion and worry as she grabbed his shoulders so that he would face her. His face held two main emotions: sadness and anger.

'He killed my father'

'I beg your pardon'

'That piece of shit killed my father'

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