Chapter 11

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Gabby was fuming when she stormed into the How, she thought that steam would come out of her ears. The girl couldn't wrap her head around what just happened outside, they were at war with the Telmarines so there was no place for a conflict within their own army. The girl went to sit on a stone to cool down a bit. 

After a while of reflection she concluded that she might have overreacted and that it wasn't a bad idea to go look for her prince but as she thought about him, a cold shiver was sent down her spine. 

Her intuition told the girl that something was wrong and since she could always trust on her intuition she decided she could now too and went to investigate. As she entered the corridor that lead to the meeting room, she heard some kind of chanting. There was one thing that was common knowledge amongst every citizen in Narnia and that's that chanting is never good. The girl was very much alarmed by the sound and sprinted towards the room. 

When Gabby saw what she was dealing with she immediately knew she was going to need backup. She yelled for the Pevensie siblings to come help her but as soon as she did she was noticed by the odd creatures that were in the middle of performing some kind of ritual. The only one she recognised there beside Caspian was the dwarf, Nikkabrik. When the princess saw the ritual's purpose, her eyes widened and she fought her way to her prince.

 The prince was standing there completely paralyzed by the shock of what was in front of him or better who. Caspian was standing eye in eye with the White Witch, one of the most feared and hated rulers of Narnia has ever known. She was the ruler before she got defeated by the Kings and Queens of Old. It didn't take long before the latter appeared and saw the urgency of the situation. Gabby went to stand in front of Caspian and pointed her daggers at the ghost trapped in a wall of ice.

'Get back, you icy bitch' the princess sneered

The witch seemed taken aback by this appearance

'Who do we have here? Clearly someone who cares a lot for this young prince'

'Don't talk about him'

'Or what?'

'I'll turn you into a giant popsicle and feed you to the horses'

The witch laughed

'I like you, you're feisty and braver than those two' she said motioning to Ed and Peter who were fighting their way to them.

'Why don't you leave us alone and go back to your igloo?'

'Oh come on child, you know you can't do this alone'

Gabby had her answer ready but was suddenly pushed aside by the oldest Pevensie sibling. The girl tripped and took the prince with her in her fall. They were now both laying next to each other and looked at the one who caused their fall.

'Leave them alone!' Peter yelled at the White Witch

'Peter dear...I have missed you. Come on, just one drop' she said as she reached her hand through the ice towards Peter 'You know you can't do this alone' she tried to convince him.

The King actually hesitated and slightly lowered his sword

'Earth to Peter! You can't do this!!' Gabby yelled but he didn't seem to notice. It was like he was in some kind of trance. The girl was going to interfere but didn't need to as the giant wall of ice suddenly cracked. The cause wasn't known until a few seconds later when Edmund was seen standing with his sword in the air and him covered in little pieces of ice.

The boy seemed surprised by his own actions and looked around the room to see the reaction of the others. Everyone was just as surprised as the young king. Ed turned to his brother and nodded slightly as if he knew that there was a snarky remark coming from him

'I know you had it sorted' the boy said before he left the room

The others followed Edmund in silence, pretending that this never happened but Gabby knew for sure she wasn't going to let this slide. As soon as she saw that Caspian and her were the only two left, she turned to him

'What the hell Cas?' she said angrily throwing her hands in the air

'I'm sorry I don't know what happened'

'You're going to have to say more than I'm sorry. Your smartass almost unleashed the greatest evil Narnia has ever known, and for what?! To lose everything the King and Queens of Old fought for, to lose everything Aslan fought for, to lose everything our parents fought for?' the last part of her sentence was a whisper, her voice was now trembling with emotions. Caspian took a step forward but as he did Gabby took a step backwards. She felt betrayed and alone, the legacy of her mother almost went lost because the person she fell in love with almost screwed up.

'Gabby' the prince said almost beggingly as he reached for her hand

'I know I screwed up and I'm so sorry. It's just that I'm so scared to lose this battle, I'm scared to lose you' he admitted with a deep sigh as if a weight was removed from his shoulders.

'I'm afraid too, especially of losing you but that doesn't mean I can't think clearly anymore and make rational decisions. I'm not worth the sacrifice of all those lives, when you have to make a choice between me and your people, you will always have to choose the latter'

'You know I never would choose anything other than you'

'But you should' Gabby said with a sad voice as she let go of his hand

'That's crap Gabby and you know it! I'm madly in love with you and I don't want to be king if that means you're not by my side'


'No, let me speak first. I love you Gabriella and I think I always have but just didn't acknowledge it. You make me a better person. When I'm with you I don't feel like a royal who is treated differently, you see me for who I truly am. I know you wanted to take things slowly but I-'

'Oh just shut up' Gabby said as she pulled him in for a deep and passionate kiss.

It was a very long kiss and butterflies filled both of their stomachs. They couldn't be happier in this moment, it was as if everything around them just vanished. The world stood still.

It was Gabby who pulled out first from their kiss as she was turning blue from the lack of air.

She put her forehead against Caspian's who was still catching his breath

'I love you too my prince' Gabby said while wearing a huge smile on her face. The smile was very contagious as Caspian now wore the exact same expression, he was also relieved in a way to finally be able to express his feeling. He picked her up, spun her in the air and engulfed her in an embrace. Gabby felt happy and safe in his arms as nothing could do her any harm.

Sadly, their embrace was interrupted by a shy cough that belonged to the youngest King of Old.

'You guys better come quickly' he said as he left again.

The prince and princess looked at each other in confusion but also in fear of what was going to hit them next. 

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