Chapter 15

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Less than 10 minutes later, everyone was gathered outside the How. When Caspian got outside, he saw that the Telmarine king was already waiting on the small piece of court located in the middle of the field. Peter walked there determinedly, with every step he took you could hear the ringing of his armour. It did not take long for the duel between Peter and Miraz to erupt, it was fierce. Both sides dealt fierce blows, it was difficult to determine who was at an advantage at given moments and who was not. 

Everyone seemed possessed by the battle, so possessed that no Narnian had noticed that a group of Telmarines had gone into the woods, chasing the Queen and Princess. Except Caspian, who had always learned to be aware they were around, he noticed the group and rushed to a horse. He galloped after the group of soldiers, hoping to catch up with them quickly before they reached the sisters. To his surprise, the Telmarines were quite fast and for a moment he that he had lost them but then he heard signs of a fight. Not much later he arrived at the spot where the sound had come from, Susan had just been knocked over by a soldier on his horse who was ready to put an end to it. The prince could not let that happen of course, he galloped towards the attacking soldier and surprised him. It was not long before the soldier lay motionless on the ground.

'Thank you' Susan said as Caspian helped her to her feet

'No thanks, did Lucy get on safely?'

'Yes, thanks to you' she smiled, however, it seemed the queen realised something because her smile soon disappeared and turned into a sad look. The change in her mood was obvious, so obvious that Caspian wondered what had caused it

'What is it?'

'We found these on the way here, they were at the beginning of the forest' Susan said as she pulled out two daggers, two daggers that Caspian knew all too well.

'These are Gabby's' said Caspian with a frown

Susan just nodded, she knew this couldn't mean much good.

'She would never just leave them lying around or forgotten somewhere, she must have forcibly released them'

'I think our Telmarine friend is something between them, I think it's best we return'

'Yes, you are right. Let's go' Caspian helped the queen onto his horse and rushed back towards the How. His heart was racing and thoughts raced through his head, every thought going to Gabriella. He would not be able to forgive himself should something happen to her.

The young prince was torn from his thoughts once he arrived back at the rest of his army. He saw Peter walking down the bit of stone courtyard towards Edmund who was already waiting for him.

'Lucy?' asked Peter worriedly when he saw Susan

'She got through...with a little help' replied his sister, it was only now that the prince realised they were speaking about him. He was so lost in thought that it was as if the rest of the world was enveloped in some kind of cotton wool, nothing felt real without Gabriela anymore.

'Thanks' said Peter sincerely

'Well, you are busy'

'Any news of Gabriela?' said Edmund suddenly, Susan batted her eyes as if afraid to face the truth. When Caspian did not have it in him to articulate what he was thinking the queen took the floor

'We found her daggers in the forest, they got her'

All heads turned towards Caspian

'I'm sorry, I know how important she is to you but we must not let it distract us' Peter said. Caspian thought he was going to explode, how dare he talk about her like that as if she didn't matter and was just going to be yet another casualty of war.

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