Chapter 6

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They had to walk for quite some time before arriving at the place where the Telmarines kept their weapons. It was early in the morning and the first light was arriving, however, there was not a guard to be seen. It was very easy to steal the weapons and remain unnoticed by the sleeping soldiers. Gabby and Caspian were busy stealing the weapons from the last wagon and passing them on to the centaurs who were carrying them on their back. It was done, in less than an hour they had stolen every weapon that could be found in this place. Just when Gabby was about to walk away Caspian stopped her

'Let's leave a message for Miraz, shall we?'

'What do you propose?' Gabby replied with an amused smirk while giving Caspian one of her daggers

'You were right to fear the woods. Seems suiting, don't you think'

'Perfect' chuckled the girl while he was carving the message and his initials into the wood of the wagon. After that, they joined the group again and began their journey to go back home. Everyone was happy with the success of the raid.

'I must say, your Majesties, that this was a solid plan and that it worked out perfectly. Well done!' Reepicheep said when he came to walk next to Gabby and Caspian.

'Thank you, Reep, we couldn't have done it without your help though' Gabby answered with a smile

'I'm honoured your Majesty, it's a pleasure and honour to fight beside you'

'The honour is all ours' Gabby replied sending a friendly wink to the mouse who was clearly flattered by all the attention and recognition he was getting.

'Now, if you'll excuse me, I will go check up on the people in the front of the group' the girl excused herself and walked away.

'We're lucky to have her' Reep admitted to Caspian

'I know. I must admit that I don't know how I would've done all of this without her'

'She's the queen that Narnia needs' the mouse said with a sentimental sigh

'Don't worry Reep, she will be the queen that Narnia is getting'

The mouse nodded happily and the two men continued talking about battle plans and strategies. The group walked for hours and now it was actually morning. The early sunrays lightened and warmed Gabby's face, she pointed her face towards the sun and enjoyed the warmth for a second. She loved the morning, it was always so peaceful and quiet. The girl saw a morning as a new beginning, everything from the past day could be forgotten and you could start over again. The princess stood there for a couple of seconds with her eyes closed when she suddenly heard a twine snap under someone's feet. She quickly opened her eyes, something felt off. Gabby knew that there was a possibility that it was just a member of their group that caused the sounds but her gut told her otherwise. She squinted her eyes and searched for the source of the sound, that's when she saw it. It was produced by a boy who was clearly not as good at sneaking up on people as he thought. The strange boy held his sword ready to attack the minotaur but Gabby couldn't let that happen and jumped between them.

The girl yelled as she blocked the attack and started to fight off this foreigner. The boy swings his sword at Gabby but missed which caused his sword to be stuck in a tree. The girl was smart and used that opportunity to kick him. The boy fell on the group but snatched one of Gabby's daggers from her strap and got up. The girl thought it was only fair now that she would use his sword now and sent a blow in his direction, which he ducked. Now it was him who attacked first, Gabby could avoid his clumsy swings but got her lip cut anyway. The girl was really getting fed up now and used the exact same move she used on Caspian earlier, she aimed for his head as a distraction and swept him off his feet. The boy was now unarmed and laying on the ground. He quickly grabbed a rock and got up but before he got the chance to use it their fight was interrupted by yells

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