chapter 12

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When the couple arrived on the platform where the others were standing they could see immediately were all the fuss was about. Miraz his army was standing right in front of their nose. Hundreds of soldiers who were ready to kill in order to serve their king and had no fear of dying while doing. They couldn't care less about the lives they were about to take, they were puppets who showed no fear so that's exactly what the Narnians should do. Show no fear and unlike the Telmarines, know what you're fighting for.

'Shit' was the first thing that came out of Gabby's mouth when she saw the troops

'We can do this' Peter said hoping to encourage his men a bit

'Let's call a meeting' Ed proposed

'Excellent idea' Caspian said before entering the fortress again where they all felt a bit safer than out on the platform eye in eye with the enemy. The prince wrapped his arm around the princess' waist and led her to the room where they revealed their feeling for each other only moments ago. It was quite sad knowing that only moments ago the love of his life told him she loved him and now they're discussing battle plans not knowing who will survive. It was a long and difficult meeting, everyone was feeling down. You could almost physically feel the moral being very low. Gabby was feeling anxious about this fact, if they have no hope, they have no chance of defeating the Telmarines. She knew she had to say something about it, but was searching the perfect moment for it.

'Cakes and kettledrums! That's your big next plan? Sending a little girl alone into the darkest parts of the forest alone?' Trumpkin exclaimed angrily, you could see the worry on his face

'It's our only chance.'

'Besides, she won't be going alone' Gabby looked at Peter before continuing 'She doesn't have to go alone. I'll go with her, you all are more use to us here. It's the least I can do. I will keep her safe, promise'

'Thanks Gabby' Peter said agreeingly

'Haven't enough of us died already' Trumpkin said with a saddened voice, thinks of his friend Nikabrik

'Nikabrik was my friend too, but he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't and neither have I.' Trufflehunter said trying to comfort his friend

'Spoken like a true warrior' Gabby said as this was the perfect opportunity for what she wanted to say

'Trufflehunter is right' the girl now had the undivided attention of everyone in the room

'The only thing that makes us different from the men that are standing outside, is that we have hope. It's the fact that we know what we're fighting for that will make us win this battle. They just blindly follow their lunatic king without knowing any better. We Narnians do know better, we know that Narnia is worth fighting for. Don't let their numbers discourage you! We are much stronger than they can ever imagine. They have no imagination! They won't see it coming when a badger kicks their ass or when a squirrel throws nuts at them, we Narnians know better than that! We can do this! We have to do this, for Narnia and for Aslan'

'For Aslan' Reepicheep yelled while putting his sword in the air

'For Aslan' Bulgy bear followed

'Spoked like a true queen' Caspian whispered in Gabby's ear as he came to stand next to her. Peter also nodded to Gabby with a smile. It seemed like her speech had worked.

'We have to hold them off until Lucy and Gabby get back' Peter said wanting to get this meeting over with

'If I may' the young prince said while taking a step forward. Everyone in the room looked at him approvingly so he continued:

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