Chapter 5

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They both slept like babies that night. Gabby woke up first and looked at the person next to her with a smile hiding on her features. She couldn't deny the feeling any longer but she was asking herself what this feeling was exactly. Could it be love? Even though she only had him back for two days. Besides, what's the chance that he feels the same about her? The girl was laying there pondering while looking at the man she believed to be in love with. The prince felt that he was looked at but he didn't mind, quite the contrary, he liked it and couldn't help but smile.

'Most people don't smile when they're asleep'

'Most people don't stare at others who are asleep'

'My bad, then I'll just get up and leave' Gabby said while slowly getting up but before she could a hand gripped her wrist and pulled her back. She sat back in the bed and looked at the person who still had a firm grip on her wrist

'Yes, my prince?'

'I didn't say you had to leave'

'Then what were you saying exactly' the girl answered with a slight smirk

'That I would like for you to stay here with me'

'I would like that too but don't we have responsibilities?' the girl said while cupping Caspian's face

'We do but I'm sure they can wait' the prince groaned while holding Gabby's hands that were still cupping his face. She slowly lowered them and Caspian placed a little kiss on one of them.

'Caspian what are we doing?' Gabby asked not understanding what was happening. She felt like the butterflies in her stomach were so overwhelming that she thought she was going to explode.

'I know for sure what I'm doing, I'm falling for you

'You are? But how, it's been two days'

'I know but it's not like I didn't know before. Your personality is still the same, you're still as stubborn as a mule and too brave for your own good but you've grown into this beautiful woman for who I'm catching feelings'

'I must admit, I do have some kind of feelings for you but I don't know what to think of them and I definitely don't want to rush this'

'That's not a problem princess, we'll take it easy and see where we'll end up. For now, I just know that I don't want to lose you out of my sight, I don't want to be separated from you again'

'Me neither, I won't lose you again'

'Then that's settled, we'll take baby steps and see where we end up'

'Perfect and I'm not that stubborn!' Gabby laughed while elbowing him softly. The prince laughed and felt genuinely happy for the first in a very long time, even though when there was a ware approaching. He felt whole again.

'Let's get up Cas, we have to start planning on how we're going to steal these weapons'

'Ugh, you're right. Let's go'

The prince and princess both got up and split up. Caspian went to his chambers to change into fresh clothes and Gabby did the same in her room. After half an hour they were standing next to each other in the room in the fortress that they now use as a meeting room to discuss and make battle plans.

'So what's the plan, your majesty?' Reepicheep asked as first

'We're going to steal weapons from the Telmarines, this will throw them off guard and will weaken them since it will take them time to get new weapons again'

'And how are you planning on stealing weapons from the Telmarines without killing half of your men?' Nikabrik asked with a sarcastic tone that annoyed Gabby ultimately.

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