Chapter 13

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It didn't take long before Caspian noticed their return

'You're back! How did it go?' he asked while inspecting Gabby's facial expressions

'It went very well. Edmund here knew exactly how to handle Miraz, he agreed to the single combat'

'Well done Ed' Caspian said while patting him on his back

'Thanks, I'll go find Peter to fill him in. See you'

'See you' Gabby said as Edmund left them

Caspian turned back to Gabby

'Did Miraz say anything else to you?'

'Just the usual stuff about my parents but don't worry, he can't get in my head.'

'I know he can't, you're to smart to let anyone get to you'

'I am smart though' Gabby said with a wink.

Caspian laughed and shook his head

'You are unbelievable'

'I guess I am, so what?' she scoffed

'Let's go someplace quiet' Caspian said as he took her hand before she could even say something back. The prince dragged her to one of the balconies

'Finally some peace and quietness' Caspian sighed as he sat down

'Do you want me to be quiet because that's going to be difficult for me, you know how much I talk when I'm nervous'

'Yeah I know you're mouth doesn't stop moving when you're nervous. I remember that one time when I had broken your mother's vase and you were so nervous to tell her that you went on and on about how she got that vase. I think I heard that exact same story at least a hundred times.'

'I remember that, she loved that vase and your clumsy ass broke it trying to impress me with your juggling skills. Not that you had any' Gabby laughed

'Hey!' Caspian said while shoving her

Gabby burst out laughing at the memory, she couldn't contain her laughter. The princess was overwhelmed with joy at the moment.

'I really missed that laughter of yours'

'You'll never have to miss it again' Gabby said as she laid her head on Caspian's shoulder. She felt him sigh

'I hope so'

'Cas, I'll be fine. We're going to be fine, good always wins'

'I know I'm just terrified of losing you'

'I am too, believe me. All those years that I was locked up I only thought about one thing and it was you. You were the one who gave me hope to fight every day'

'You were also one of the only reasons I stayed in that castle, I just hoped one day you would return to the castle and everything would be like before.'

'Unfortunately, nothing is like it was then'

'That's not entirely true' said the prince with a slight smile on his face

'How do you mean' asked the princess with a raised eyebrow but also with a smile, curious as to what her prince was referring to

'You by my side. We used to fight each other with wooden swords for the last piece of cherry pie and now, we fight side by side. Though now it's not about conquering a piece of pie.'

Gabriela laughed heartily at the memory of lashing out at Caspian with her wooden sword so that she then ran around the castle with a piece of pie stuffed in her mouth while the prince chased her. Where did the time go?

'You didn't end up seeing many of those last bits did you?'

'No, not with an opponent as powerful as you'

'Oh shut up, what a flatterer you are'

'I say nothing more than the truth. Come to think of it, I'm sure we'll win that battle tomorrow in no time with you by our side' said the prince with a smirk plastered on his face

'What do you need? With that flattery of yours, I am sure there is something you want to achieve' the princess laughed as Caspian scoffed and overacted as if she had deeply offended him.

'I can actually think of something'

'And that is?'

In response, Caspian took her face in his soft hands and pressed a kiss to her lips. It did not take long for the princess to reciprocate his kiss, it was a long passionate kiss but also gentle and not rushed. It was perfect.

When they finally broke the kiss, the couple saw that the sun was setting. They both realised that the moment they would see the sun again, a battle would break out that could change their future positively or negatively. There was no more talking but the silence was peaceful and soothing, they both enjoyed it. They needed nothing more than each other's presence. Gabby laid her head on Caspian shoulder and enjoyed the peace and quiet while she could.

'Maybe we'd better go inside now that it's getting really dark' Caspian said as soon as the sun was at its lowest point

'You go ahead, I want to be alone for a while to really clear my head for tomorrow'

'Sure you don't want company, it's not safe for you to wander around here alone'

'I'll be fine, I'm not a little girl anymore. I can take care of myself just fine'

'Fine, are you coming to sleep with me or do you prefer to sleep alone' a small smile appeared on the prince's face

'I will join you as soon as I finish my walk, but don't wait for me to sleep. We need a well-rested Caspian' the princess laughed


'Perfect, see you later' Gabby said as she kissed the prince on his cheek and left the balcony.

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