chapter 3

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The centaur led us to the place where all theNarnians had gathered, it was an open spot in the forest. The first thing thatGabby noticed when they arrived was the dense atmosphere, there was a hugetension hanging in the air. When the discussion started, it got heated veryfast. Gabby decided to stay out of sight until it was necessary to tell theNarnians who she was. Some Narnians clearly didn't believe Caspian's goodintentions and accused him of all sorts of things. 

Honestly, Gabby wasn'tpaying attention until Nikabrik, who was standing next to her, started shouting'All this horn proves is that they've stolen yet another thing from us!' Theprincess was surprised by the remark of the dwarf, did he really not see thatCaspian had good intentions? 'I didn't steal anything' the prince said in anattempt to defend himself, 'Didn't steal anything? Shall we list the things theTelmarines have taken?' a minotaur said angrily, 'Our homes!' a windmadeshouted, 'Our freedom!' a faun added 'Our Lives!'. 

'You would hold meaccountable for all the crimes of my people?' the prince asked sadly. Caspian knewthat his people were barbaric and didn't approve of their actions at all but therewas nothing that he could do. Until now. 'Accountable...and punishable!' the dwarfstated with this disgusting grin on his face. 'That's rich coming from you,dwarf. Or have you forgotten that it was your people who fought alongside the WhiteWitch' Reepicheep now stepped in. That name send a shiver down Gabby's spine.Her mother would tell her stories aboutthe witch that terrorised Narnia for many years, so it wasn't a person shewanted to encounter. 

'And I'd gladly do it again if it would rid us of thebarbarians!' Nikabrik said angrily. It was strange, it was as if he tried to convincethe Narnians that she wasn't a bad guy at all and that we needed her in thisbattle. Gabby, who was still sitting in the shadow, was now boiling on theinside. How dare he speak to Caspian like that and how dared he justify theactions of the White Witch?! 'Then we are lucky it is not in your power tobring her back. Or do you want us to ask this boy to go against Aslan?' Trufflehunterinterrupted. 'No!' the Narnians shouted. 

There was chaos and the princess wasfull of it 'Enough!' she yelled. 'How dare you all stand here like that and judgethe one person that tries to help you?' she said as she pointed to Caspian wholooked surprised by her sudden outburst. 'He wants to help you fight and whatdo you do? You blame him for everything! Well wake up, it wasn't his fault!Look at you all standing here like this, you're more numerous than anyone could'veimagined. You could've fought the Telmarines but instead, you all decided tohide in these forests! Don't get me wrong, some of you had the bravery to fightand you can choose not to fight but don't go blaming and judging the one personthat wants to help you all get your kingdom back!' Gabby yelled angrily. 

Everyone seemed taken aback by the girl that was now standing in the middle ofthe open spot. 'Who even are you?' a faun asked, the girl scoffed 'I'm Gabriela,daughter of Leyla, Queen of the Quiet Woods'. Every Narnian was shocked andstared at Gabby, 'How is that even possible, we thought she disappeared' a femalecentaur asked but in a very polite way. 'When the Telmarines invaded andCaspian the Ninth ruled. My parents and he had an agreement to keep theNarnians protected. However, when Caspian the Ninth sadly passed away, Miraztook the throne since that Caspian here was too young to reign. Miraz wanted theNarnians to be extinct and he didn't want to reign together with my parents sohe locked us away. After some time, he assassinated my parents and kept melocked up for another six years. I managed to escape, with some help' Iexplained while motioning to the prince who was now standing next to me. 

It wassilent, no one dared to say another word. The badger was the first to speakagain 'Some of you may have forgotten, but we badgers remember well, thatNarnia was never right except when a son of Adam was king and a daughter of Evewas queen' 'He's a Telmarine, why would we want him as our king?' Nikabrikasked angrily. He wanted to get some reactions from the crowd but almost gotnone. 

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