Chapter 1

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Naruto landed softly on the stairs to his apartment. He could sense him before he saw him and wore a grim expression. No one had informed him that Sasuke would be returning after being away for three months. The more he saw Sakura still pine over the Uchiha made he numb to her plight. She still hadn't done anything to show the Uchiha that she was still in love with him deeply. She's only been acting as a friend now and everyone including Sasuke knew she was deluding herself, waiting for Sasuke to make the first move but Naruto knew the Uchiha better. He would never condone Sakura's advances. If anything he was still disgusted with her from all those years ago. 

He walked up the steps to see Sasuke leaning on his door, his expression hidden behind his now long raven hair that was oddly silky in nature, a natural bang covered his new eye as he turned to Naruto. His face was emotionless, not an amused smirk to be seen. Naruto walked until he was right in front of the Uchiha who tipped his head back to look up at Naruto. Naruto wasn't amused with the visit either but he figured Sasuke had a reason for waiting for him instead of just entering his home. Naruto opened the door but both males remained locked in eye contact before Sasukebroke it as he stood up. Merging with Kurama had its advantages, he was now at least a foot taller than every one of his peers so he was looking down at Sasuke. 

"If it had been in the past I would've been upset to see you looking down at me," He murmured. 

"Why are you here Sasuke?" Naruto didn't make a move to open the door, Sasuke always caught the entirety of his attention. 

"I heard the council approved of you becoming Hokage within the next 7 years provided you have certain criteria then," Sasuke's voice dipped. "You should have a wife by then and an heir." 

Naruto gritted his teeth and slammed his hand next to the Uchiha's head. Sasuke didn't move, didn't appear phased if anything he leaned closer to Naruto. "What's your deal Sasuke? Ready to gloat that you could get more bitches pregnant by then." 

Sasuke smiled sadly. "If it were back then sure, maybe I would've said something like that to get under your skin. But no," He answered as he opened his cape which covered the top half of his body. Naruto's eyes widened as Sasuke's breasts came into view. "I wanted to offer myself as a candidate for your wife. I know very well Hinata has been working herself up to confess to you but I don't want that. I want you." 

"What happened to you?" 

"These last three months I've been on a mission," Sasuke started softly. "But not one for the village, one for personal gain and an effort to change me. The Uchiha clan has forbidden jutsu that can alter the body of the Uchiha who performs the ritual." 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Naruto asked as Sasuke let the cloak drop to show the complete changes his body was showing, his clothes were now baggy on his frame, and he would need new clothes, feminine clothes. "Why would you do this?" 

"During the war, fighting side by side with you I knew that the energy between us had changed significantly," He smiled softly. "I had realized how much I've fallen in love with you. You tracking me down all over the world, forgiving my sins no matter how disgusting made me realize that I was in love with you. In love with all, you brought to the table." 

"Sasuke," Naruto said softly but Sasuke placed a finger to his lips. 

"After the war and my journey to soul search I thought of the decision I would have to make in order to be by your side as more than a friend. So when I returned secretly I poured over every forbidden the Uchiha had till I found this one. It was used during the First Great Ninja war to alter the bodies of lesser able shinobi so they could be bred to bring more offspring as the clan was nearly wiped out," Sasuke continued, taking Naruto's hands into his now softer hands. 

Naruto's vision blurred with tears. "What is this?" 

"It took a month to get the required ingredients and two months to allow the change to happen," He continued. "I did this as a way to show that I've changed, I want us to start a new journey." 

Naruto's tears fell but so did the ones Sasuke had been holding back for a long time. "I'm not innocent like Hinata, there is a lot of blood on my hands, innocent blood corrupted blood. I'm not the best when it comes to mind but I promise you Naruto, I won't ever turn my back on you, on us, our bond ever again. Please give this a chance, give us a chance." 

Naruto's hands flew to Sasuke's cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. 

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