Chapter 3

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"It isn't fair!" Sakura cried as she watched Naruto and Sasuke approach their group of friends for their regular picnic meet-up at an agreed spot. Naruto had his arm around Sasuke's cinched waist who looked so dangerously beautiful in her new clothes. Some had begun to accept that Sasuke and Naruto made a very appealing couple. Naruto and his goofy nature lightened the mood around them and Sasuke had an air of possessiveness but it was a healthy amount, not an overbearing one. Naruto's bright clothing complimented Sasuke's darker-toned ones and standing together they looked like a knockout couple. Besides, it was a fairytale story that one could get behind. 

Chasing after your beloved girlfriend and bringing her back to her senses. She becomes submissive to Naruto, only waking up the demon to defend her boyfriend. This past month Naruto and Sasuke have spent time building their new relationship. They've been on exotic dates outside the village and could be seen around the village with Naruto and Sasuke actively wooing each other. They were happy and many could admit that Sasuke was far happier in her new body than she was in her old one. She still had a lot to do with making amends with her village but making the future Hokage happy as moon rocks were certainly showing good faith. 

"Excuse me?" Sasuke inquired as they were now standing among their group of friends. Sasuke had made her peace with a lot of them except for Sakura and Hinata for obvious reasons. 

"I love you, you know I've loved you for years! Why would you do this?!" She yelled as she started crying hysterically. Sasuke hummed and ruffled her pink hair with an expression of fondness. 

"I love Naruto and this was the most practical way to assure that everything goes off without a hitch in the future," She replied. "I know you love me and while at times I was dismissive of your love, I was grateful you could love me even after my shortcomings. But I can't lie to myself in this era of peace. Please move on Sakura, I promise somebody loves you just the way you are. You just have to open your eyes to the possibility." 

Sakura hugged the female Uchiha who held her crying figure and started to lead her away from the crowd so they could discuss things more privately. Naruto turned back to his friends and immediately got into helping by accompanying Shikamaru and Choji for firewood. "Are you sure about this?" Shikamaru asked when they had gotten away from earshot. 

Naruto looked behind him, in the direction of Sasuke's chakra signal and smiled. "Yeah. I'm sure, we can start the plans now that I've chosen my future wife." 

"Only needed a month?" Choji asked with his eyebrows raised in speculation. 

"We've had years to sort out the sludge between us," Naruto shrugged. "Now that we've gotten through the worst of each other we're now setting up for the forever honeymoon." 

"That's all I need to hear, granted I figured you'd go for Sasuke even if she never altered her body. The chemistry was so strong and you have changed from the naive identity you held before the war. We've changed yes but Naruto you've shown the most change and you've taken it in stride to a point you're probably the most mature among us," Shikamaru smiled at him proudly and Naruto scratched the back of his head shyly. With Sasuke as his girlfriend, Shikamaru had now claimed the spot for Naruto's right hand. They've shared their souls with each other, becoming the best of friends. 

"Quite the contrary from your pranking days," Choji snickered and they all shared a laugh before Naruto pulled a small tree from its roof to carry back for fire fuel. 

"Things are looking up for us," Naruto spoke as they headed back out to see the various blankets out, food, etc. Sasuke was speaking to Sakura but she could now be seen talking to Hinata and judging from her expression she wasn't happy with the conversation. Hinata didn't have a strong track record for a confrontation so this was surprising as she was obviously the hostile one while Sasuke appeared neutral. 

"You knew about my feelings, everyone knows," She hissed while Sasuke narrowed her eyes. "You stole him." 

"I didn't steal anyone, Naruto's not an object," Sasuke's voice was non-confrontational but she was slowly getting annoyed. "Our feelings were mutual." 

"Only because you altered your fucking biology," Hinata was aiming low and if she wanted to go there then Sasuke could as well. A smug smile crossed her lips as she leaned in closer. 

"Admit it," She stated in a mocking tone. "You can't handle the fact that even without my new body that Naruto would still love me. You could blame it on him being gay and walk away with some dignity. But you've heard him say he didn't care for gender. You just can't believe an altered female won the prize you stalked for years." 

"You insufferable bitch!" She snapped as she activated her eyes and slammed a palm into Sasuke's chest, aiming for her heart. Everyone dropped their activities and ran over as Sasuke started to cough up blood from the hit. Hinata's eyes widened as she realized that her attack was something so easy to dodge. She was sure Sasuke would dodge it but the Uchiha had taken it to place her under suspicion. She is a manipulative bitch even now! Turning her friends against her. 

"Sasuke are you okay?" Naruto was fussing over his girlfriend who was gasping for air. Sakura rushed forward and had begun to examine her chest, digging deeper to see the damage done to the chakra strings tied to her heart. 

"What the hell is wrong with you Hinata?" Ino growled at her and that was the trigger for everyone to gang up on her. Sasuke was now seen as the girl who was trying to be amicable because it was Naruto who chose the Uchiha, it wasn't Sasuke's fault. 

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