Chapter 15

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Inside their cozy home, Sasuke stood in the kitchen, her raven-black hair tied back in a loose bun as she stirred the simmering pot of curry. She checked the clock; Naruto would be home from the Hokage's office any minute now. Today was an important day, one she had been eagerly anticipating.

Earlier that day, she had spent time with Temari, a fellow kunoichi, and the wife of her husband's best friend, Shikamaru. Temari had recently moved more permanently to Konoha after her marriage to Shikamaru. The decision was a wise one, especially considering that both their husbands were going to be working closely together. Kakashi would soon be back from his honeymoon with Iruka, ready to hand over the Hokage's hat to Naruto, making him the seventh Hokage. In turn, Shikamaru would take on the role of Hokage Advisor from Iruka. It was a significant step forward for the village, and Sasuke was pleased to have the opportunity to bond with a woman who shared her tastes and experiences.

The savory aroma of the curry filled the kitchen, making Sasuke's mouth water as she continued to stir. She couldn't help but smile, her hand unconsciously moving to her belly as if to protect a precious secret. The day had been perfect so far, and she couldn't wait to share the news with Naruto.

Finally, she turned off the stove and set the pot of curry on coasters to keep it warm. She prepared a small salad and set the table with care, placing a fresh pot of rice at the center. Everything was ready, but the small, gift-wrapped box on the counter held the most significant surprise of all—the positive pregnancy test.

Sasuke couldn't help but feel a rush of nervous excitement as she looked at the box. She imagined how Naruto's face would light up when he realized what it contained. Taking a deep breath, she rubbed her belly gently, whispering to her tiny passenger, "Your father is going to be wonderful." She knew Naruto's boundless love and enthusiasm would make him an incredible dad.

Just as she finished setting the table, she heard the familiar sound of the front door creaking open, followed by Naruto's boisterous greeting.

"I'm home, Sasuke-chan!" Naruto's voice echoed through the house, filled with the same warmth and energy that had won her heart all those years ago.

Sasuke felt her heart race as she hurried to greet him. Her cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and nerves. Naruto's footsteps quickened as he approached, and before she knew it, she was enveloped in his strong arms.

"Sasuke-chan, I've had such a long day!" Naruto exclaimed, his bright blue eyes reflecting the exhaustion of a Hokage's responsibilities. "I can't wait to sit down and have some of your amazing curry!"

Sasuke blushed at his compliment, her anxiety momentarily forgotten in the warmth of his embrace. She took a step back, her eyes locked onto Naruto's, and then, without a word, she shoved the small gift-wrapped box into his hand before darting back into the kitchen to fetch the juice pitcher.

Confused, Naruto watched her retreat before turning his attention to the box in his hand. He could feel something rattling inside, and his curiosity got the better of him. With a puzzled expression, he carefully unwrapped the package, revealing the positive pregnancy test.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and then a brilliant smile spread across his face. His heart swelled with joy as he realized the significance of the test. Naruto rushed into the kitchen, his heart pounding with excitement, and swept Sasuke off her feet.

"Sasuke-chan, is this...?" he began, his voice trembling with emotion.

Sasuke's eyes sparkled with happiness as she nodded, tears of joy glistening in her onyx eyes. Naruto kissed her softly, his lips conveying all the love and excitement he felt. He couldn't contain his enthusiasm as he whispered, "I'm going to be a father!"

He peppered her face with affectionate kisses, unable to contain his happiness. Sasuke wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close, feeling the love and anticipation in every touch and every word. In that moment, they knew that their child would be cherished and adored by Naruto, just as Sasuke had hoped.


Naruto couldn't wait to share the exciting news with his best friend, Shikamaru. With Sasuke's positive pregnancy test still in hand, he practically skipped over to Shikamaru's house, eager to tell him the incredible news.

As he arrived at Shikamaru and Temari's home, he found Shikamaru relaxing on the porch, a book in hand. Naruto couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, unable to contain his excitement. He waved the positive pregnancy test in front of Shikamaru.

"Hey, Shikamaru, guess what?" Naruto practically shouted, his voice filled with exhilaration.

Shikamaru looked up from his book, his eyes narrowing slightly at Naruto's energy. "What's got you so worked up, Naruto?"

Naruto beamed and proudly showed Shikamaru the pregnancy test. "Sasuke's pregnant! We're going to be parents!"

Shikamaru's eyes widened in surprise, and then a slow, genuine smile spread across his face. "Naruto, that's fantastic news! Congratulations!" He put the book down and stood up to give Naruto a warm congratulatory hug.

Naruto was practically vibrating with happiness as he and Shikamaru shared a moment of sheer joy. "Thanks, Shikamaru! It's incredible. I can't believe it."

Shikamaru leaned on Naruto and sighed contentedly. "You know, Naruto, I always thought you'd make a great Hokage, but now I'm even more convinced that you'll be an amazing father."

Naruto's heart swelled with emotion at Shikamaru's words. "Thanks, man. I can't wait to teach our kid all about being a ninja and a good person, just like Dad did for me."

Shikamaru nodded, his eyes softening. "It's going to be a big change for both of us, but I'm looking forward to it. Temari's pregnant too, you know. We'll be tired parents together."

Naruto laughed, envisioning the chaos and joy that awaited them. "Yeah, we will be. But it's going to be incredible. Hey, you know what? We should teach each other stuff, like how to be great parents and ninja at the same time. Maybe I can show you the Shadow Clone Jutsu, and you can teach me some of your strategy tricks."

Shikamaru grinned, the idea appealing to his practical nature. "That sounds like a plan, Naruto. We'll need all the help we can get."

As they stood there, leaning on each other, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and camaraderie. With their wives expecting, their duties as Hokage and Hokage Advisor, and the challenges of parenthood on the horizon, Naruto and Shikamaru knew they were in for a wild ride. But they were ready to face it together, just as they always had.

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