Chapter 11

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The meadow was decorated to the highest order. At the altar Naruto and his friends talked over cigars, the guests were already seated, and many of the friends Naruto and Sasuke had made along the way. Kakashi was charting through his notes as he would officiate the wedding while Iruka and the girls were in Sasuke's bridal room putting on the finishing touches on her dress. 

She glimmered like an actual princess and her ethereal look made her a dark-haired angel. She smiled as her lips were painted blood red, she closed her eyes as she felt her veil cover her upper half. She had forgone heels, choosing to present herself barefoot as she got up to fix her ruffles. Her dress clung to her body but billowed out from the waist down. "Can you leave me alone for a moment? I'll be walking down the aisle myself." 

They respected her wishes and she spent a few minutes admiring herself in the mirror. She touched the glass with an almost fondness in her eyes. Sasuke was getting married. "Mother, Father, Brother. I'm so sorry for how I've lived my life over these last few years. I've been bitter, resentful, and treacherous. Father was in the wrong, for trying to overthrow the village, and the clan was labeled collateral damage. I've done my best to avenge our fallen family but it was never my burden to carry in the first place. Mother, I hope you're well wherever souls end up and I hope you're happy with my choices to now live my own life, one not tied into the insanity of the Uchiha clan. Brother, I'm sorry. I am deeply ashamed of myself for my actions and now you're all seeing me marry the one who saved me." 

"He's gentle, loving, and has such a big dream ahead. I want to be a part of his dream, to stand by him. I hope you accept this, that you can be happy for me because I'm so happy right now and I don't know what I'm doing with myself and I'm rambling but I feel so blessed," Sasuke teared up, trying hard not to ruin her make-up. "I don't deserve any of this but I want to greedily hold onto it. I'm happy, I'm finally happy, wholeheartedly happy." 

She used her gloved hands to carefully dab her eyes. "I'm heading out now, I've got a husband to meet." 

She grabbed her symbol, an elegant bouquet of Petunias, they were a deep purple. Sasuke walked casually out into the meadow and was faced with the aisle, she could keenly smell the lingering scent of Naruto's preferred brand of cigar, Shikamaru had gotten him into the habit. He looked up the altar to see Naruto waiting for her, his hands in his pocket, that serene smile plastered on his face. It could lure anyone and she gladly scrolled down the aisle to meet him. 

Naruto's breath was stolen watching Sasuke walk to meet him, when she promised him a heartstopping dress she meant it

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Naruto's breath was stolen watching Sasuke walk to meet him, when she promised him a heartstopping dress she meant it. He was giddy all over for the wedding to get on so he could make it official. He felt Shikamaru's palm press between his shoulder blades, a reassuring touch. His grin brightened when Sasuke finally stepped to be across from him. Even through the veil, he could see that she had redness in her eyes. He wondered what that could be but he was put to ease when she reached out to hug him. 

She smelled of crisp apples with a hint of cinnamon. He held her waist as they held each other in silence. Then he heard it, her soft voice crossing his ears crystal clear. "I love you." He hummed and held her tighter before they pulled apart to start the ceremony. They turned to Kakashi to start, he cleared his throat. 

"Let's make one thing clear," He started and his tone was strict, too strict for a wedding that was to be light-hearted. "No objections will be heard of this union." 

Other members could be seen adorning looks of the same thought as they eyed others who were not on board with the idea of Sasuke getting Naruto in the end. "This couple has been through very much to get to this point and I'll be damned if I allow the minority to speak to this wedding. If you truly cannot stand to see these two unite to form a family then get out. Once you leave consider yourself an outsider from this point forward." 

Kakashi glanced over all of the faces before releasing the tension. "Alright, let's get to the good part." He didn't deviate from the standard of a wedding officiate. He was charismatic, and smooth and managed a few perverted comments that wouldn't get him hit over the head later. Many were slowly getting back into a comfortable mood as he droned on. But the tension broke completely when it came to their vows. Naruto was first. 

"You already know me like the back of my hand," Naruto proudly stated. "You know my every tick and every thought. You know how I feel for you, how deeply it goes. I've crossed continents for you, never once minding the distance. You are worth every drop of blood I've shed, the arm I've lost, the heart that stopped beating momentarily. I love you deeply and I promise to keep this love forever." 

Shikamaru tilted his head back. 'Leave it to Naruto to put the entire place in tears.' 

Sasuke was already crying under her veil. "I apologize for the pain I've dragged you through. With our friends and found family as witnesses I swear my life to you. From here on out I will follow your leads like a good wife. I have always loved you, I didn't care to listen when we were children, or Genin when we fought the first time seriously, or the last time at the same waterfall. I was stubborn but when reflecting I realized it was now or never. I changed and gave in to you and the circumstances that came with you. I am ready to walk alongside you forever, loving you just as I do now and perhaps even deeper as time goes on."

'You two have gotten so sappy, where was this when you two were chasing each other down with your signature weapons?' Ino wondered as she pulled tissues from Sakura's clutch. 

'Are these really the same people?' Gaara could feel his left eye twitching at the sight before him. 'Time really does change people.' 

"Husband and wife, you may now kiss," Kakashi could feel his world tilting when Naruto unveiled Sasuke to capture her in a deep kiss. He was happy yes, doesn't mean it wasn't weird to see them like this after years of the aneurysm their relationship was. It was possibly the most toxic relationship he's ever seen walk the earth to become a healthy marriage. 

'Kami-sama, please help. If they ever have a marital spat, warn us, and clear the village. They'll wipe it off the planet when fighting.' 

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