Chapter 17

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It happened in the middle of the night. Naruto was the one to feel it as the bed became soaked with fluid from Sasuke's water breaking. The blonde leaned over and scooped his wife up who seemed to be in a deep sleep. He had no doubts that Sasuke could sleep through the pain. Sasuke's been experiencing high amounts of pain since they were Genin, to her it might seem like a mild stomach ache until she associates it with giving birth. He grabbed the baby bags and jumped off the balcony to head towards the hospital. 

Arriving at the hospital Naruto was becoming more aware that Sasuke's pain was mounting. She went stiff in his arms, low moans of pain leaving her mouth as her face twisted in pain. "My wife is giving birth, can you get Tsunade-sama here quickly." 

The nurse hurried off as another nurse led Naruto into a private room to get Sasuke prepped for labor. The minute Sasuke hit the bed she was awake and clutched Naruto's sleeve as he placed the bag on the nearby chair. "How are you? How bad is the pain?" 

"I can manage," Sasuke choked out as her contractions started, she rubbed her belly as her lower body clothing was removed and they checked how far apart she was before leaving the room to get other equipment ready. "Our baby boy is coming and right on time too." 

"Any time is right on time," Naruto countered softly as he kissed her sweaty forehead. "But it is nice he came a week before my inauguration. Gives you time to recover physically and for us to bond with the baby." 

Sasuke had been through hours of labor, her determination and strength unwavering as she pushed and fought through the pain to bring their son into the world. It was a moment of elation and relief when she finally heard the cries of their healthy baby boy filling the room. The weight of the world seemed to lift off her shoulders as she held the precious little life in her arms, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks.

Naruto was by her side, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears as he looked at their son, overcome with a mix of awe and love. He gently touched the tiny fingers of their newborn, marveling at the perfection of this little being they had created together.

As they began to relax, ready to bask in the joy of becoming parents, Lady Tsunade, the skilled doctor overseeing the delivery, had surprising news. "Hold on," she said, her expression one of both astonishment and excitement. "I believe we have another little one on the way."

Naruto's eyes widened, and Sasuke felt a mixture of disbelief and astonishment. The ultrasound had only shown one baby—a boy. How could there be more?

Tsunade quickly clarified, "Sometimes, during pregnancy, one baby can be positioned in a way that it hides behind another on the ultrasound. Let's get ready for another delivery, Sasuke. You're not done just yet."

Sasuke nodded, her determination renewed as she clung to Naruto for support, both of them now brimming with a mix of surprise and exhilaration. They were about to become parents to not just one, but two children. It was a realization that filled their hearts with overwhelming joy.

As Sasuke felt the pain of the next contractions, she drew in a deep breath, mustering all her strength and determination. Naruto encouraged her, his eyes filled with love and awe for the incredible woman he was lucky to call his wife.

Together, they faced the challenge that lay ahead, ready to welcome their second child into the world. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a gentle glow through the glass patio windows, illuminating this profound moment of their lives.

Sasuke gave her all in those moments, pushing with determination, and soon, the cries of their second child filled the room. It was a beautiful baby girl, completing their family of four.

Naruto's eyes were moist with tears of happiness and disbelief as he looked at their son and daughter. "We did it, Sasuke," he whispered, his voice filled with overwhelming joy. "We're a family. A beautiful, perfect family of four."

Sasuke smiled, exhausted but radiating with happiness that words could not capture. She leaned against Naruto, their children nestled in her arms. "Thank Kami they came through safely," She murmured softly before passing out due to sheer exhaustion. Naruto kissed her forehead as he cut the cords of his children and gave them to the nurses to get them cleaned up. 

Tsunade healed Sasuke and Naruto took the initiative to give her a bath as he knew Sasuke wouldn't want dried blood on her lower body. He dressed her in clean night clothing just as the incubators rolled into the room with Baa-chan leading the nurses to set them up close to Naruto and Sasuke. "Healthy babies Naruto," She praised. 

"Sasuke's incredibly," Naruto praised as he gazed at her sleeping figure. "I'm glad everyone's healthy." 

"Have you thought about names?" Tsunade asked curiously as she leaned on the chair he was sitting in. 

"We did for the boy but nothing concrete, we'll have to talk about names when she gets up again so we can sign the registry," Naruto smiled at his babies. "They look so cute like that. The daughter is unexpected but very much wanted and loved." 

Tsunade ruffled his hair. "I still think I'm too young to be a grandma but I have no qualms." 

"Is babysitting on the table?" 

Tsunade gave him a puzzled look. "You know parents usually avoid the drunk grandmother around their children." 

"We're an unconventional family," Naruto excused. "Besides you've been curbing your drinking. I trust you drunk or not with my children." 

"Cheeky bastard," Tsunade chuckled as Naruto smiled up at her. 

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