Chapter 2

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It was awkward, to say the least when he walked among the village with Sasuke beside him the Uchiha showed no fear of being seen in his new form, he took it in stride and for that Naruto was able to see that Sasuke was determined to make them work. After that passionate kiss, they had parted ways for the night before Sasuke showed up at his door the next morning looking to have Naruto join him in acquiring new clothes. "I spent the night after we kissed cleaning out my entire wardrobe," He said softly. Naruto was now debating on whether to call Sasuke using female pronouns or just sticking to male ones. 

Sasuke seemed to sense his plight and offered the solution. "Just refer to me as a girl from here on out. It won't be confusing then." 

Naruto smiled and agreed, he thought it might have been difficult but it was seriously easy to fall into the new pattern as they spent the day shopping. Some of their friends had crossed paths with them and were rightfully shocked to learn the extent Sasuke had gone to in order to be with Naruto. Sasuke didn't hide the reason, he was proud of the actions he had taken. Word quickly spread of Sasuke's determination and was met with mixed reactions but most were positive that she was turning around her life, dedicating herself to the male who saved her. 

Naruto seemed to be warming up to the idea when they returned to the Uchiha Compound. He helped Sasuke pack out her new wardrobe before giving into dinner for the night. It was domestic, the peace that could be felt as he watched Sasuke's body walk around the kitchen, cooking different dishes and laying them out on the table Naruto sat around. Sasuke fixed his plate with everything and Naruto was utterly confused. "Look I know you changed your body but are these actions what you want to do or are you faking these actions?" 

Sasuke seemed offended but she answered anyway. "We're at peace. I can do what I've wanted to do now. I've always been like this, growing up my father always blamed my mother for the femininity I gave off. I liked cooking and doing things for others. At times I didn't even want to be a shinobi. I guess you could say getting this new body made me finally embrace the things I buried so long ago," She looked away from the blonde and Naruto finally understood. Sasuke was just really falling into herself. Almost like a rebirth. 

"If it makes you happy I will encourage it," Naruto took her hand in his. "You're right, we're at peace now." 

Sasuke smiled easily and they had dinner together Naruto prepared to leave after helping her clean up the kitchen. Sasuke reached out to stop him by holding his jacket sleeve. "Yes?" Naruto looked down at her and saw Sasuke was looking at him with expecting eyes. Naruto wore a smile, a smug smile and Sasuke blushed as Naruto leaned down to kiss her. It was deeper than yesterday. Sasuke pressed her hands to the blonde's chest and held on tightly as Naruto's hands left his pockets to wrap around her waist. They tilted their heads to get a better angle as Naruto dominated her mouth. "Naruto~" Sasuke moaned as Naruto pulled back a bit to take a breath before going right back in. "Ah, ah, Ah~"

"Your voice sounds so sweet moaning like that," He said against her lips. 

"You're teasing me," Sasuke panted, her pink tongue tempting Naruto even more but his body was already reacting strongly and he didn't want to go further yet. She felt him against her however as she pressed her voluptuous body to his. "Oh Naruto," She sounded so submissive. Was this really his Sasuke, was this new Sasuke all for him. 

"This is all mine right?" Naruto kissed her neck, pulling down her shirt to expose her pale skin. "You changed for me and only me?" 

"Yes," Her voice was breathless as Naruto sucked marks into her neck. 

"I'm so touched Sasuke, I won't hide it. I am aroused by you and you weren't wrong about my feelings for you," Naruto pressed chaste kisses to her cheek. "I love you." 

Sasuke's eyes got blurry and she buried her face in his shoulder. "Do you mean that?" 

"Have I ever lied to you?" Naruto countered sofly. 

It was true, through all their struggles Naruto never once deceived her. Even when the others wanted to Naruto would object to them and their plans to deceive her. "No, you've never lied to me. Never have." 

"And I never will, I love you Sasuke. I knew what was coursing through my veins when I chased you and even if you had kept your former body I would have loved you just the same." 

That made Sasuke immensely happy. 

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