Chapter 9

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Sasuke was curled in a fetal position when she heard knocking at the door. She groaned softly but she sat up in bed and stumbled out. When she pulled the front door open she heard a surprised squeal and realized she was in her underwear, thankfully, it was Sakura and Ino at the door. She yawned and sets her hips to one side. "Why are guys knocking on our door so early."

"Girl's trip, we're heading to the Land of Hotsprings," Ino smiled. 

Sasuke sighed, she had forgotten about that trip, and Naruto was still in bed sleeping. She wanted to go cuddle up back to him. "Alright, come in while I get my bags ready." 

She turned and walked back into their shared bedroom and saddled Naruto who was now awake and instantly grabbed her waist. "Don't start anything Sasuke," Naruto growled softly, the Uchiha smirked and kissed him. Naruto pried her mouth and snaked his tongue down her throat as she started grinding on him. "Darling Raven you have such a pretty pussy," Naruto licked her lips and started biting into her neck as she started to get wet. He hooked his fingers in her panties and slipped them off easily, kissing down her body and burying his tongue into her fold. "Let me give you a goodbye treat." 

Sasuke bit her lips as Naruto decimated her pussy, her back arched as the hot tongue pushed deeper inside her. Quiet moans started to leak from her mouth and the blonde covered by forcing Sasuke to suck on his fingers while her thighs shook from Naruto's tongue stroking her G-spot. She came, biting down on Naruto's fingers but the blonde didn't seem to mind as he was swallowing whatever she was squirting down his throat. He pulled back, his eyes demonic and Sasuke suddenly didn't want to be away from him. Naruto unlodged his fingers from her mouth and got her on two feet before getting back under the covers and falling back asleep. 

Sasuke's thighs shook as she showered and packed her bags. She got out to the living room to see Ino and Sakura chatting up a storm. "Alright I'm ready," She went to the front door and started putting on her shinobi heels. The girls followed and while they were putting on their shoes they heard movement from Naruto who came out looking tired. He hugged Sasuke tightly, his large body engulfing her now petite frame. She giggled as Naruto whispered affirmations in her ear. 

"Have a good trip," He stroked her back and Sasuke looked up expectantly and Naruto kissed her softly. 

"I love you," Sasuke murmured against his lips, the blonde chuckled. 

"I love you too." 

When Sasuke had gone through the door Naruto went and made breakfast as he waited for his friends to come by so they could go on their trip. He dropped his bags at the door and took a shower, got dressed, and cleaned up around the apartment before he heard knocking at the door. He opened the door to see Shikamaru, Neji, and Shino at the door. He smiled and stepped out to see Kiba, Choji, and Lee at the bottom of the stairs waiting as well. 

"Ready?" Neji asked. 

Naruto sealed his bags on his arm and nodded. 

The boys quickly made their way out of the village and headed to Suna for Gaara and stopped over at Kumo for Bee before they headed to the Land of Snow for the skiing trip they had planned for the blonde who had no clue where they were going. 

On the other side, Sasuke was settling into her first soak with the other girls around her. While it was still an adjustment to Sasuke being a woman now it melted quickly as they got to chatting about random things. Sasuke was forthcoming with her new bodily issues and asked for advice, they were rather open and honest with her. Sasuke knew girls could be good friends but he would rather keep arm's length when it comes to those outside her circle. She knew the minute her marriage with Naruto became official women who scrutinize her more harshly or perhaps curry favor with her in hopes of impressing her husband. 

She was ready for it but she still couldn't grasp that it was finally within sight. Naruto had accepted her and for that, she was eternally grateful. Later after soaking they feasted on delicacies while drinking expensive wine and doing pedicures, in all honesty, Sasuke thought she wouldn't find fondness in girly things but she was proven wrong. It was oddly peaceful to be a woman, despite the monthly cycles and the thought of pregnancy. But she wondered what their children would look like. Would she be a proper mother? She didn't know but she wanted to have a happy family and she would do anything to achieve that. 

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