Chapter 7

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Sasuke entered the blonde's apartment with her copy of the key after coming in from a late mission. She unzipped her shinobi heels, sighed in relief, and began padding around the cozy space. She took a shower and pulled on one of Naruto's shirts before heading into the kitchen to put the kettle on for instant ramen. While that was boiling she led into Naruto's bedroom to see the blonde splayed out on his back, snoring quietly, he looked peaceful and Sasuke kissed his cheek but was surprised when Naruto latched onto her waist and pulled her into his chest. 

"Welcome home," Naruto murmured in a sleepy voice. Sasuke's eyes widened before glazing with tears. 

"I'm home," Her voice trembled and Naruto was alert instantly. 

"What's wrong sugar bun?" He kissed her tears. Sasuke mumbled under her breath but still kept herself buried in his chest. 

"I like when you welcome me home," She confessed. "It feels silly but I like hearing you tell me I'm home. It's been so long since I've considered anywhere home." 

"You always had a home in me, I'm glad you see that now," Naruto stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. "I have no words to describe how much I love you." 

"You're only saying that," Sasuke scoffed playfully. 

"I wonder, I did always want to address the sexual tension we always had before you even transitioned," Naruto admitted softly. "I was obsessed with you, still am but back then I could very safely say that you are my white moonlight."

"Even when I was a male?" 

"Especially when you were a male," Naruto smiled. "To be honest before the council laid down judgment. I was always set on pursuing you, even if the chase had stopped being so violent I was still dedicated to chasing you but had no idea how to bring this focus to our relationship. The sexual tension, my romantic intentions. I had already worked myself up and changed my mind and body to accept the fact that I wanted to be with a male. I had to because my heart yearned for you both emotionally and physically." 

Sasuke was choked up now but Naruto still pressed forward without breaking stride. "But look at you sitting at my door, you had already changed yourself to give the optimal benefits to my situation. You threw away your masculine body for a chance to give me everything I needed to finally fulfill my dreams. I didn't care for the body whether it be masculine or feminine. I cared about the declaration of the love you gave. You gave up your most prideful possession, your body, the status of the last remaining Uchiha for me, to become my wife, to become an Uzumaki-Namikaze. How could I ignore the love being thrown in my face by you? I was so happy." 

"You're making me cry idiot," She started wailing. 

"I love you Sasuke, I would do it all over again if it meant experiencing these moments again," Naruto held her tightly in his arms as she cried. 

Sasuke was once again shown why everyone followed Naruto. The kindness bottled in his body wasn't fake or just for show. It was so real and tangible, to be buried in his warmth was an honor and she was glad their future children would experience their father's kindness, love, and joy for the world. His resilience and bull-headed stubbornness. She would deal with the ugly parts of the world that tried to stain her future husband. He was the symbol of peace, and she would gladly deal with the vile things that lurked waiting to take advantage of Naruto. She didn't mind, her hands and her body were stained with blood, both innocent and corrupted but Naruto still held her close. Still kept her at his side. She would never take this for granted. 

"I'm not good with words, if anything I'm a walking disaster when it comes to feelings and expressing them-" 

"You could've fooled me, you're doing great so far," Naruto encouraged.

Sasuke blushed at his words but continued. "But I love you and with my love, I'll do the dirty work from now on."


Sasuke closed him down by placing a finger to his lips. "I'm serious. I'm not joking when I say I would've been left in the dirt if you hadn't taken me as your romantic partner. Your opinion matters heavily now in this village and being by your side has ensured that I can walk among the people I betrayed in the past without fear. Allow me this much Naruto as my expression of love." 

Naruto narrowed his eyes before sighing and agreeing. Sasuke smiled and kissed him quickly before running out to the kettle that has been going off for a long time now. Naruto looked out at the window and then back down at his hand at his engagement ring. He pulled it off, admiring the crimson stone before putting it back on. 

Sasuke was weird as a girl. 

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