Chapter 4

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"Are you feeling better?" Naruto pushed her hair behind her ear as she sat up from her afternoon nap. Listening to her ragged breathing while she slept wasn't fun to hear and see. He was incredibly upset and he tore into Hinata before taking Sakura's advice on how to take care of Sasuke for the next few days. The Uchiha looked at him before reaching out for him. How could Naruto resist? Sasuke pulled him into bed and cuddled into his chest. 

"This is better," Sasuke's voice was still raspy but she seemed content to settle down like this, and slowly she did and Naruto obliged her and fell asleep with her in his arms. 

When he woke up Sasuke was in the kitchen setting out dinner while drinking tea slowly as she moved to sit down. Naruto kissed her cheek and sat down beside her. The Raven was feeling better if the blush she was sporting was any indication. They ate together before moving to the living room to spend the night reading books together. Sasuke had her arms wrapped around one of Naruto's biceps as he snuggled into him as they became more comfortable in their shared warmth. 

"You're being a bit clingy tonight, anything wrong?" Naruto murmured as Sasuke looked down at the book with half-lidded eyes before gazing up at Naruto. 

"Would you have gotten with Hinata if I hadn't come along?" 

Naruto seemed uncomfortable with the question but Sasuke was determined to know the truth. The blonde thought about it for a long moment before shaking his head. "I did consider it once before we were together. It was just so easy to use her to get to my end goal quickly. She was already deeply in love with me getting her to marry me would've been another easy step. Children however might've posed a challenge but I would find a way to get her pregnant." 

Sasuke didn't seem surprised at the blonde's deduction and was in line in what she thought Naruto would say. "So you've never been in love with Hinata?" 

"No," The answer was simple and with Naruto's non-caring expression Sasuke could tell that he was telling the truth. She smiled, she was satisfied with that. 

"Did take you for the type to use people." 

"She would've gotten something out of it too, the status and privilege of marrying me, being the future Hokage's wife," Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "But I guess that should be turned over to you." 

"Hmm?" Sasuke looked up from the book held between his hands. Naruto kissed her softly, Sasuke reciprocated, opening her lips for Naruto's tongue. 

"You're on your way to become the Hokage's wife, you've been my precious person for so long already. It seems natural to step in this direction doesn't it?" 

Sasuke giggled lightly as she nodded. "You've always been much of an idiot," She wore a tender smile while Naruto gave her a full smile. 

"Well I guess it's all up to you to deal with me Sasuke," Naruto hugged her tightly. "I love you dearly." 

"I love you too Naruto." 

Naruto had no idea how true those words were to Sasuke. She was finally giving into the blonde, her love for the war hero was immense and she didn't deserve the chance but she gave it everything she had as a way to say that if she failed at least she gave it her all before she went out. "I wonder what the future holds," Sasuke wondered out loud.

Naruto wondered as well but he didn't cease his hold on Sasuke. "Who knows, we're at peace so the sky's the limit," He muttered as he felt Sasuke kiss his cheek. "Should I propose now?" 

Sasuke laughed but the silence that followed made her pull away as Naruto gave her a serious a look. "It's too soon," She insisted. 

"A long engagement isn't unheard of," Naruto countered as he saw Sasuke's ears turning pink as she looked away from him. "Come on." 

"But," She trailed off as she thought of wearing a ring Naruto picked out for her. It would probably have a deep sentimental value to it and that made her grin. 

"Think about it, I won't force it," Naruto reassured as he took her hand in his. 

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