Chapter 6

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"Okay so this is a full home," The agent started. "Five bedrooms and three bathrooms. A home office, kitchen and dinning are connected and the living area is right where we stand. We do have a basement and also an attic, they're up to code. Please look around at your leisure and let me know your thoughts." 

Naruto looked excited while Sasuke looked around with a critical eye. With their intention to marry each other it was expected to live together. The Uchiha grounds were haunted to Sasuke and Naruto's place was too small. So they were house hunting before they started wedding planning. It has been a bit of a hassle to find the right place for all the things they wanted to fit in their new shared space. They walked around downstairs, taking it all in before shuffling upstairs to get out the bedrooms and attic. In the largest room Naruto closed the door behind them and hugged Sasuke from behind. 

The Uchiha was surprised but her eyes became warm as she accepted Naruto's touch. "I love the house," Naruto expressed and that was all it took for Sasuke to be sold. She turned around in his arms and hugged him tightly. 

"Are you sure?" She asked and Naruto nodded. She smiled softly at him and cupped his cheeks. "Then we'll get it." 

Naruto looked surprised. "But what about your thoughts?" 

Sasuke laughed. "Honestly it could be here or a cramped little apartment as long as you are there I don't care where we live," She was grinning at him. 

Naruto didn't know what to say. "Sometimes I wonder why you're like this." 

"I've been dragging you around the world for a long time Naruto, it's your turn. You take the lead, I don't mind following you because I know you have something going on up there in that sweet head of yours," She shrugged and Naruto couldn't resist kissing her pink soft lips. 

They stayed locked like that for a long moment, both stumbling a bit when Naruto cupped her ass and hoisted her in his arms to brace against the wall. Sasuke moaned quietly. "Idiot what if she hears us?" 

"Shush then," Naruto kissed her neck, opening her top and tugging at her bra that allowed her breasts to spill from confinement. He suckled her nipples, Sasuke biting her lips as Naruto's hand wandered under her skirt to brush against clit. Her lace panties were slowly becoming soaked as little moans escaped the blonde's fiancé. Their bodies slid alongside each other, Sasuke feeling Naruto's cock that was hot and hard. Naruto silenced her first big moan by kissing her as he pushed her panties aside to finger her. The Uchiha trembled under his touch, her body left open for the blonde. 

They pulled back, saliva connected their tongues and Sasuke looked debauched. It was the first time experiencing such pleasure, when she was a male it was just his cock and maybe his chest but now everywhere Naruto touched was set ablaze. She couldn't help her moans as Naruto let her down on her feet, dropping to his knees and pulling her panties down from under her skirt. Her thighs twitched as Naruto gave her a lustful gaze before flipping her skirt to eat her out. Her knees buckled when the blonde's tongue made contact and she was left defenseless as Naruto devoured her cunt, she covered her mouth, her hips begging for that heated tongue that thrusted inside, it didn't take much for Naruto to make Sasuke come, she squealed as she sprayed inside the blonde's mouth who swallowed it like a thirsty beast, he had locked eyes with Sasuke as he did it. 

How could she look away from those eyes, it was impossible. Naruto pulled away and Sasuke took it as her chance to drop. She buried her face in Naruto's chest, her body trembling, asking for more. Naruto stroked her head as he wiped his mouth with the other hand. It was his first taste of Sasuke, she was so delightful. When Sasuke had regained her composure she could still feel Naruto's hard cock, she gulped at the thought at returning the act. Would she be such a promiscuous woman? Maybe, she didn't mind Naruto tagging her like that. She grasped the bulge and Naruto reacted strongly, groaning as she began rubbing that area before pulling his pants to get his cock out. 

It was heavy with musk and throbbing from her delicate fingers holding onto him. "Sasuke-" Before Naruto could even voice a thought Sasuke swallowed him while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The blonde threw his head back, moaning a deeply as Sasuke drooled on his cock to get it slick. She hit the base, her gag reflex fighting with her but she was determined to return Naruto's favor. She moaned at the salty taste of precum on her tongue and the heaviness of the cock in her mouth. She slurped on his cock, the sound driving Naruto mad as he watched his cock stretch his woman's lips. It awakened something primal inside him as he watched her take him deeper into his mouth. It was wet and warm, her tongue playing with his cock eagerly. He let out a shuddered sigh as he came inside her mouth without warning, he couldn't look at Sasuke in such a submissive position without losing his marbles and emptying his balls in her mouth. 

He cursed a bit as Sasuke swallowed his semen before pulling back, saliva locking her lips to the tip of his cock. She wiped her mouth, swallowing the residue before leaning on Naruto again, it would seem she was the type to cuddle after sexual acts. "Can we go all the way soon?" Sasuke's voice was hoarse after taking his cock, her body pulsing with a needy aura. 

"Wedding night," Naruto held onto her tightly. "I want to fuck you in that wedding dress." 

Sasuke moaned at the thought. 

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