Chapter 10

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"Dude, you getting married is bugging me out," Suigetsu groaned as Sasuke passed him the sake bottle. Karin was passed out by the table while Jugo was stroking a rabbit with birds perched around his body. 

"I don't see what the surprise is, it was plainly obvious this was the next step," Sasuke downed another shot, her face already flush. 

"Bullshit," He passed back the sake bottle. Sasuke laughed and poured another shot before passing it back.

"No," She looked down at her drink. "Some part of me had always hoped that I could have Naruto after all the bullshit I put him through. Learning the stipulations of him becoming Hokage I decided it was best if I dedicated my life to being by his side while his dream came through since he saved me from myself." 

"Look at you, you lovestruck future wife," Jugo smiled gently at Sasuke who grinned. 

Team Taka after the war had become freer, the atmosphere around them was warm, that of a makeshift family Sasuke formed during his darkest years. They had come to the Hotspring area they were having her bachelorette week after a small mission. They were going to be standing on her side for the wedding. 

"Stop teasing me, I can still take you all," Sasuke playfully glared at them. 

"How is Naruto?" Jugo asked. 

Sasuke chuckled. "He's Naruto. He's grown, and he's ready to take on serious responsibilities which include family and Hokage training. It's honestly such a jump from the dead last of the class to becoming the most powerful shinobi. And to have carried the war and brought peace. I have a lot to endure from the outside, but I think I'm ready." 

"Outside?" Suigetsu asked. 

"The outside threats to our future marriage. Many people will be displeased by the change, I have scarred many nations and to learn I will be standing arm-in-arm with the one who brought peace will not be easily accepted. It might cause a strain but I'm ready to accept my actions and the pain I've caused." 

"You've certainly grown Sasuke," Jugo smiled. "I will admit, I wondered where your path would take you after the war ended and we were all free. To see you naturally gravitate towards Naruto wasn't surprising." 

"What's that supposed to mean," She looked slightly offended. 

"We all knew you were whipped for Naruto," Karin suddenly sat up. "Even I could see the gay leaking out, well I guess I can't say gay anymore since you've altered yourself so as to make it easier for your lover to achieve his dreams while staying by your side." 

She wore a smug smirk as Sasuke blushed and hid her face. "

"Shut up," Sasuke squealed as Karin jumped her. "I don't wanna hear it." 

"All I'm saying is that we all knew," Karin was suddenly tender, cupping Sasuke's face. "We were worried that Naruto would reject you. Rightfully he has every right to but he's such a sweet soul and deeply in love with you. He chased you for years trying to save you from being consumed by hatred," Karin smiled. "And you finally gave in. I have no doubt you'll make him happy." 

Sasuke wrapped her arms around Karin and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you, Karin."


Naruto was gazing up at the stars as he smoked Shikamaru's cigar who was setting up for another round of Shogi. "What's on your mind?" The Nara asked. 

"I'm getting married," Naruto exhaled slowly. "To Sasuke Uchiha." 

"Yes, she's going to be known as Sasuke Uzumaki-Namikaze soon afterward," Shikamaru looked over at his best friend who still seemed to be distracted. "Come on, cough it up."

"I still feel in a dream," Naruto murmured. "I knew I would get married someday, have children, and become Hokage. I never doubted my dreams." 

"And they're coming true so quickly that you're experiencing whiplash?" Shikamaru quirked his eyebrows as Naruto broke out into a smile and threw himself at Shikamaru. Naruto was straddling him as he placed the cigar back into Nara's mouth for a deep puff. "Well?" 

Naruto leaned back and tossed his head back at the sky. "Yeah. I'm experiencing whiplash." 

"Good or bad?" 

"I'm not sure," Naruto looked back down at the lazy eyes Shikamaru gave him as he drew from the cigar. "I feel anxious mostly. I guess I never thought Sasuke would be the one under the veil for me?" 

"Did you have other thoughts?" 

Naruto chuckled. "Who doesn't dream of their future partner? Sasuke is on that list but with how things were back then it was mostly a pipe dream. The other candidates, however...I could have done something." 

"I'm going to regret this but who was on that list of yours," Shikamaru held back the cigar to Naruto who took it from Shikamaru's fingers with his mouth.

"Girls included were Sakura, Hinata, and that one Princess I saved during one of my wild missions. Boys now," Naruto narrowed his eyes and didn't dare look at Shikamaru. "It was either you, Neji, or Shino." 

Shikamaru felt his world tilting before he started laughing. Naruto flipped him off but he didn't move despite admitting that Shikamaru was someone he imagined marrying. "What the hell you troublesome blonde," He couldn't stop cackling. "What brought me and Shino into this?" 

"Not even going to ask about Neji?" Naruto countered. 

Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "Oh please, you've been gay for Neji since you met him. You go on and on about his hair-" He was cut off by Naruto covering his mouth. 

"Alright no need to bring 13-year-old me into this, he was but a little boy with a crush," Naruto chuckled and uncovered Shikamaru's mouth. "As for you and Shino, I guess it would be because you guys are easy-going. I know we wouldn't argue over little things and have proper communication because you two are the only ones who listen when I go off on a tirade. You two can read me like the back of your own hand." 

"That is true," Shikamaru admitted. "We care for you Naruto, I do actually feel flattered." 

"Don't let it get to your head," Naruto playfully rolled his eyes. "I am in love with Sasuke." 

"I never doubted it," Shikamaru deadpanned. "You've been chasing for years, we all knew it was more than the so-called 'friendship' or 'brotherhood'," He used air quotes and Naruto smiled at him. 

Shikamaru had washed away his anxiousness. "You're going to be a great advisor." 

"Fuck off." 

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