Chapter 8

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 Naruto was left speechless at the dress Sasuke came walking in with on

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 Naruto was left speechless at the dress Sasuke came walking in with on. She looked absolutely stunning and his mouth was dry from the way her hair was curled. He felt out of place as she walked over, her little feet making soft sounds on the floorboards as she jumped into his arms. 

"I thought I wasn't supposed to see the dress before the wedding?" Naruto was confused as he toed off his sandals. He was coming in from a mission and it was merely midday. He had known Sasuke had gone dress shopping from what he was told yesterday but he didn't expect this surprise. 

"This isn't the dress, it's a runner-up," Sasuke murmured in his ear. "My actual dress is more stunning than this, I can promise you that but I wanted to surprise you tonight." 

Naruto groaned as he felt Sasuke rubbing against him as he sat on the ground on the threshold. Sasuke straddled him easily and it was then Naruto noticed that Sasuke seemed to be completely naked underneath. "Why are you tempting me?" 

Sasuke smirked, it was cunning and reminiscent of the egoist male when they were younger. "Because I like teasing you, or maybe I like putting myself out for you." 

Naruto rolled his eyes but his hands were already wandering up Sasuke's thighs to slip under the fluffy gown. "You're a vixen," He sighed but it was one of desire, Sasuke saw the way how Naruto's eyes became lidded as he found his way to her womanhood. She squealed a bit as Naruto's fingers slipped inside her. "You make such beautiful sounds," He grasped her chin and pulled their lips together as he started fingering her eagerly, his cock throbbed and he was on the edge of just fucking her like this. She's already in a wedding dress would it make a difference? 

It would. For all context even if Sasuke had fooled around when he was a male he was now a virgin female, the insides Naruto was touching, and the wet heat that clenched his fingers was only corrupted by his hand and eventually his cock. He braced her against the door of their shared space and marked her neck as she moaned in his ear, her soft voice shattering his resolve like glass. Her heavy chest pressed to his, spilling from the confines of the dress as she opened her legs even further the dress bunching up at the waist. 

"Sasuke," Naruto pulled his fingers in exchange for undoing his pants. "Goddamnit," He cursed. 

She looked up at him, her hair messy and her lips swollen from biting them to pieces. "Naruto, I thought we were waiting till wedding night?" 

Her innocent question made him reel himself back in enough to not go crazy. He kissed her, slurping on her saliva as he brought her into his lap, his cock sliding between her folds. It was dangerous but fuck it got him to a state where he could get off on this and judging from the way Sasuke's hips swiveled he knew it was doing wonders for her as well, her juices soaked his member. "We are, just need a bit more from you, you drive me mad." 

"I need it too," Her whine sent shivers down his spine as he held her close. Their arms wrapped around each other, frothing in blind lust as the dress became ruined from their orgasms. Naruto calmed Sasuke down by sucking hickies on her breasts while she trembled in bliss. They shared another messy kiss before stumbling into the bathroom to clean up. 

Sasuke curled up in Naruto's arms when they finally got settled on the sofa to a movie. The Uchiha was pleased with her seduction, she wore a grin of satisfaction. Naruto noticed her expression and chuckled, she was cunning and scheming but the scale has become wholesome. "Your cunning is showing," Naruto said in a sing-song voice. 

Sasuke blushed and hid her face in his chest. "It's not," She protested. 

"Sure it isn't," Naruto caressed her ears. "Look at your ears, you're glowing pink." 

"Naruto," She was embarrassed but Naruto kissed all over her face as Sasuke squirmed in his arms. 

"It was a good plan, can't wait for the real thing on a real day," Naruto kissed her fingers and Sasuke's heart swelled. "My beautiful future wife."     

She turned her head away, her face inflamed with pink. "You idiot," It was said fondly and that made Naruto laugh.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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