Chapter 19

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The soft glow of morning illuminated the Uzumaki residence, casting a warm light across the room. Sasuke rested on the sofa, a comfortable pillow supporting her lower back as she cradled a thermos of pumpkin seed soup made by Naruto. It was a concoction known for its health benefits, something Sasuke insisted on as she aimed to regain her strength after giving birth to their two newborns, Boruto and Haruto.

Sasuke watched Naruto with a gentle smile as he moved around the room, expertly attending to their infants. The resemblance between Naruto and the babies was uncanny, and Sasuke couldn't help but marvel at how their features mirrored his. Naruto had a proud, content expression on his face, exuding happiness as he interacted with their children.

Boruto, a tiny version of Naruto, squirmed in his father's arms. Naruto deftly cradled the baby, his movements gentle and practiced. Haruto, nestled in a small bassinet, slept soundly, showing signs of the calm and peaceful nature she inherited from her mother.

Sasuke sipped the soup, savoring the earthy flavors that promised healing and nourishment. She admired Naruto's dedication, knowing that caring for two infants was no small feat. As Naruto continued to move around the room, Sasuke decided it was time to start pumping breast milk to ensure their babies had a steady supply.

"Need anything, Sasuke?" Naruto called out, glancing over his shoulder.

"Just some privacy, please," Sasuke replied, her tone soft yet firm.

Naruto nodded, understanding the importance of the task and the somewhat new growth of Sasuke's insecurity about her body. He redirected his attention to Boruto, ensuring the baby was comfortable before Sasuke began her pumping routine. Sasuke discreetly arranged herself, setting up the breast pump and focusing on the task at hand.

The rhythmic hum of the pump filled the room as Sasuke pumped milk, her thoughts wandering between the babies and Naruto. She marveled at how her life had transformed in such a short span, becoming a mother to two beautiful children with the man she loved.

Meanwhile, Naruto skillfully cradled Boruto in his arms, expertly patting his back to alleviate any discomfort. Boruto let out a small burp, prompting Naruto to grin proudly. "Good job, buddy," he whispered a tone of pride in his voice.

Sasuke observed the scene from her vantage point, a fond smile playing on her lips. Naruto was a natural at parenting, and it filled her heart with joy to witness him embrace this new chapter of their lives with such enthusiasm.

Once Sasuke finished pumping, she carefully stored the milk in bottles and placed them in the fridge for later use. She then shifted her focus to Haruto, who had stirred awake in her bassinet. Naruto, ever attentive, noticed and swiftly made his way to the tiny bundle.

"Hey there, Haruto," Naruto cooed, his voice soft and comforting. He gently cradled the baby in his arms, rocking her back to sleep.

Sasuke joined Naruto on the sofa, her heart swelling with love as she watched him with their son. She adjusted herself, making room for Haruto to feed directly from her, embracing the tender bond of breastfeeding.

Naruto glanced over a tender smile on his face. "Need any help, Sasuke?"

"No, I've got it," she assured him, her focus on Haruto as she latched onto her with a gentle sigh.

Naruto took a seat beside her, his hand finding hers, intertwining their fingers in a silent gesture of support. Sasuke glanced at him, gratitude evident in her eyes. The room was filled with a tranquil atmosphere, the only sounds being the quiet suckling noises of the baby and the occasional coos from Boruto in Naruto's arms.

As Sasuke continued to nurse Haruto, Naruto looked at her with a mixture of love and admiration. "You're amazing, you know that, right?" he said softly.

Sasuke chuckled, her eyes meeting his. "We're a team, Naruto. We're in this together."

Naruto leaned over, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Always."


 Naruto, having just finished tending to Boruto and Haruto, was preparing to join Sasuke in bed. As he approached the bedroom, he noticed the bathroom door slightly ajar, soft murmurs emanating from within.

Concern flickered across Naruto's features as he pushed the door open gently, revealing Sasuke standing before the mirror. The room was dimly lit, and Naruto hesitated, unsure whether to intrude on what seemed like a private moment. However, the strained, self-deprecating tone in Sasuke's voice caught his attention.

Sasuke stood in front of the mirror, her reflection harshly illuminated by the bathroom lights. Her eyes, once filled with confidence, now carried a weight of self-doubt and loathing. She traced the stretch marks on her abdomen with her fingers, her expression contorting with every touch.

"I can't believe what I've become," she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with insecurity. "Look at these marks, these imperfections. I used to have a body that turned heads, and now..."

Her words were tinged with bitterness, her gaze locked onto her reflection as if expecting her former self to materialize before her. Naruto's heart sank as he listened, realizing the depth of Sasuke's internal struggle.

"Swollen, ugly breasts," she continued, her fingers brushing over the now fuller curves. "What happened to my body? Why did it have to change so much?"

Naruto stood in the doorway, silent and conflicted. He wanted to rush in, to tell Sasuke that she was still the most beautiful person he had ever seen, but he hesitated, fearing that his presence might exacerbate her internal turmoil.

Sasuke's eyes met her own in the mirror, and a cruel smirk formed on her lips. "Naruto," she muttered, the venom in her voice unmistakable. "He won't want you when the honeymoon phase is over. He'll miss the woman he married, not this... this mess."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock. He never expected to hear such self-hatred from Sasuke, and it tore at his heart. He couldn't comprehend how someone so strong, so incredible, could see themselves in such a light.

As Sasuke continued berating herself, Naruto knew he couldn't stay silent any longer. He took a step into the room, his voice gentle but firm. "Sasuke."

Sasuke's gaze snapped towards him, surprise and embarrassment written across her face. The tension in the room was palpable, and Naruto took a moment to choose his words carefully.

"Sasuke, you're still the most beautiful person I've ever known," he said, his voice unwavering. "Your body went through something incredible, creating our two amazing kids. Those stretch marks, those changes—they're a testament to the strength of the person you are."

Sasuke scoffed, her eyes avoiding his. "Don't lie, Naruto. I can see it in your eyes. You're just trying to make me feel better."

Naruto took a step closer, determined to bridge the emotional distance between them. "I'm not lying. I love you, Sasuke, not just your body but every part of you. Your strength, your determination, your flaws—everything. And I'll keep loving you at any point, in any form."

Sasuke's shoulders tensed, and she turned away from the mirror to face Naruto. There was a vulnerability in her eyes that he had rarely seen, a rawness that tugged at his heart. Naruto reached out, gently taking her hands in his.

"Sasuke, you don't need to carry this burden alone," Naruto said earnestly. "I want to be here for you, to help you through these feelings. Your body, no matter how it's changed, is beautiful because it's a part of you. And I love you, exactly as you are."

Sasuke's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and Naruto wiped them away gently with his thumbs. He pulled her into an embrace, holding her close as if to shield her from the harsh self-judgment that had consumed her.

"I didn't realize you were feeling this way," Naruto whispered into her ear. "You don't have to face it alone, Sasuke. We're a team, remember? We can get through anything together."

Sasuke clung to him, a mixture of relief and vulnerability in her expression. The weight of her self-loathing seemed to lessen as Naruto's comforting words surrounded her.

"I'm here for you," Naruto reassured her, his voice soft but resolute. "No matter what, we're in this together."

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