Chapter 12

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Sasuke's breathing was shallow as she was thrust against the wall. Her wedding dress was bunched up between them as Naruto continued his punishing pace in the marital chambers for the night. They wouldn't waste any time creating children. Sasuke clawed down her husband's back as she rolled her hips into him. "Naruto," She cried out desperately as Naruto went deeper inside her, knocking on the door to her womb. "There, you're right there." 

Naruto growled lowly, pulling on her hair as she displayed her neck for him to mark. "I can feel it, how much your trembling for me to get inside you." 

"Please, just push it further." 

"You'd break," Naruto's voice was husky, his fangs flashing as he groaned. Sasuke's pussy lips were fluttering around his cock, gobbling him up in her clenching pussy. "Fuck," He hissed harshly. "Of course you would do this, teasing me so mercilessly." 

Sasuke's laugh was breathless as she was pried off the wall and taken into bed. Naruto held her legs up and wide as he continued fucking into her. "Please Naruto," She looked up at him, her dark eyes glistening with unshed tears as he slowed. "No, please not that." 

Naruto chuckled at her. "Sorry, sorry," Naruto hooked her legs around his hips. He leaned down and kissed her, prying her mouth open as his hands moved under her to unzip her dress, her bra unhooking along the way as he pulled her top half down. Her breasts were soft, tender, and sensitive as he played with her nipples between his fingers. Sasuke whined, her body leaning into him as he picked up the pace again, lodging into her womb. He was done teasing her, he would show her the right things as a husband. 

Sasuke's moans drove him crazy, his body was so in tune with hers as they moved in tandem. "Come outside," She moaned quietly.

"Want me to stain your wedding dress?" Naruto had mischief in his voice as he rolled in deeper, her walls rejecting her request by latching onto him, milking him to make him lose control. "But your walls are telling a different story. Who should I listen to? You or your pussy?" 

Sasuke didn't have an answer, she just moaned wantonly. "It's wonderful," She cried out. 

Naruto looked down at her and pride swelled in his chest. He was taking Sasuke's virginity, his best friend, his rival, and his wife. She looked so beautiful under him, even with smudged lipstick, tears down her cheeks, and messed up hair. He pulled out, and she whined but Naruto had his hand on her clit instantly, he rubbed her completion while she stroked him off. 

Naruto being a decent person got hot towels from the bathroom and started cleaning up his bride. He slipped off her wedding dress, leaving her in the very few undergarments she had left. He wiped off her makeup, her keen eyes trailing him as he went to draw a bath. "Do you want to join me?" 

Sasuke nodded and Naruto got rid of everything else, kissing her legs as he slipped off her knee-length stockings. When Naruto had tossed her garter it found its way into Shikamaru's hand and Temari blushed at the implications since she caught the bouquet. As they both sunk into the large tub they cleaned each other with a gentleness never seen before. Sasuke ran her fingers along the Chidori scar she had left on Naruto in her youth. "I'm sorry." 

"You're already forgiven," Naruto murmured, his arms wrapping around her smaller frame. Sasuke's lips kissed the scar. "You've gone soft on me." 

The former Uchiha chuckled. "I guess I did." 

They remained in silence, enjoying the bliss that the order provided. 

"Are you hungry?" Was asked to Naruto after they stepped out of the bath.

"I could use something, they sent some of the food we had at our reception up right?" He asked, pulling on his boxers while Sasuke roamed about in Naruto's button-up. She plated the food in their small kitchenette before bringing it out on a tray. Next, they devoured what was left of their wedding cake before Naruto opened the window to smoke as Sasuke curled up in his chest. They sat on the floor beneath the window. 

"You're going to have to drop that when the kids are around," Sasuke warned. 

"I know," Naruto murmured, his voice tired. 


"A little, the day's caught up with me," He kissed her softly on the forehead. "I'm married after all." 

Sasuke's face took on a red tint as she hid deeper in his chest. Naruto looked at her shy nature, especially when he didn't know what could trigger it. He played in her hair idly as he burned his cigar down. No words needed to be said, they were happy. 

Later that night Naruto woke up to Sasuke straddling him, he felt her kisses trying to coax him awake. Her tongue slipped into the deepest corners of his mouth to get a reaction, he was gained. He cupped her face, his other hand steadying her hips as she swayed on his growing erection. "I wondered if one round was enough for you," Naruto's voice was hoarse, soaking in lust as they pulled his boxers down. 

Sasuke was trembling as her special place leaked juices of the slippery variety. "It's your fault." 

"My fault," Naruto was amused as he slipped his fingers inside her hot cavern, his cock ached to be inside her, but his fingers weren't enough for Sasuke that was begging him to ruin her. 

"You're filling my head with all your sweet words, telling me I can demand anything I want," Her vision blurred with tears. "Touching me with so much desire I can't help myself but throw my body after you. I don't know what to do with myself." 

Naruto smirked in the dark, slipping his cock inside her as she made the most delicious noises. "Then let me use you, throwing yourself at me like this," He sounded like a deviant and for once Sasuke didn't mind him being the bad guy as she was pressed on her hands and knees, taken from behind like an animal in heat. 

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