Chapter 5

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Sasuke knew it was bizarre to look closely at herself in the mirror but it was still jarring from time to time as she gazed into the same eyes that witnessed the shinobi world in its entirety. She kept the pictures from her childhood and while it was a big decision to alter her gender she didn't regret it one bit. She loved Naruto and this was the biggest way to show that she had changed, that she wanted to be by his side forever. Naruto accepted her, just like how he had accepted her and her many flaws countless times before. She wanted to do the same for the blonde. 

For him to show her all the sides she never got to see. She didn't deserve the chance, it was selfish to want more from Naruto. She could get scraps and that would be the least he gave her. She wiped the tears that fell from her eyes as she got emotionally out of the situation. She met up with Naruto for a date later that day. The blonde hadn't told her anything so she was going in blind. It started with a ramen lunch at Ichiraku then led to a little hike into the forest where they played as children. Then she was blindfolded to the final area, she trusted Naruto so when she was made to sit on a log she got comfortable. 

"I've always cared about you Sasuke," Naruto's voice was sincere and she wanted to get rid of the blindfolds but Naruto hadn't told her to remove them so she wouldn't. "You were difficult to get through to and I realized you wouldn't stop until you had this one thing, your revenge." 

Naruto started stroking her hair. "Do you regret it?" 

Sasuke wouldn't lie to Naruto, she never did so why would she start now? "No, I don't." 

"I didn't think so, you set your mind on things and never back down," He chuckled. "So I knew when you altered yourself you would never regret it. I have always wondered if a part of you regretted doing this but I suspected you thought about this for a long time. For that thank you Sasuke, you've made me very happy." 

She gasped a bit as Naruto kissed her softly, she gave back the same energy as she felt Naruto taking her hand in his and slipping a ring on her finger. She shrieked as the tears came next. Naruto undid her blindfold to see the log she was sitting on was in a clearing lit up by millions of fireflies trapped in bottles that were hung around. The light illuminated the area which was a small set up of food for them to eat while talking. 

Sasuke looked at her finger in disbelief. She couldn't believe she had gotten an engagement ring. "Do you like it? I didn't know if you were a rock or band type of girl," Naruto was rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"I love it Naruto," She started crying as she clutched the hand to her chest. "Thank you," She jumped up to hug him tightly. "I love you." 

Naruto hugged her tightly. "I love you too, on some deeper level I've always known that I love you." 

Sasuke clung to him tighter. "I'm sorry for putting you through that, I'll do anything to make up for the years of torture." 

"I never once condemned you, I just wished you had taken me with you. I wouldn't have minded. But now that we're here now. You aren't allowed to leave ever again." 

"And I won't," Sasuke promised fiercely. 

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