Chapter 14

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Naruto sighed softly as he finished another stack of paperwork, Shikamaru was beside him slugging through his stack as this was a trail for them being Hokage and Advisor. After witnessing Naruto's wedding, Kakashi and Iruka decided it was time for them to do the same and off they went on their honeymoon, which Naruto just returned from. 

"Why did I want to be your advisor again?" Shikamaru scowled as he ruffled his hair, the plain silver band glinting in the sun. Naruto smiled at him as he reached over to take Shikamaru's hand to look at the male's wedding band. "You're still on this?" 

"It's cute," Naruto chuckled. "You and Temari make a cute couple, like your parents. Maybe that's why you went for her." 

Shikamaru sighed in resignation. "I only pray my son doesn't end up like me." 

"It's a generational curse at this point," Naruto snarked playfully before releasing his hand. "And to answer your question it's because you love me." 

Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "No thank you. I'll be retiring the minute we have our first child." 

"So in nine months, I haven't even taken office yet," Naruto furrowed his brow, Shikamaru's face blinked before he looked away to curse softly. "You just fucked up the surprise didn't you?" 

"Was it obvious," Shikamaru replied sarcastically. "But yeah, Kakashi plans on turning over the hat once he gets back from his honeymoon. Which is a month from now." 

Naruto turned in the chair to look out at the village. "I'm going to be Hokage in a month," His voice was filled with disbelief. Shikamaru gave him a knowing smirky smile. 

"Congratulations Hokage-sama," He murmured to the blonde who suddenly tackled him into a hug. Shikamaru yelped as he hit his head going down. "Naruto!" 

"Sorry, sorry, I got excited," Naruto laughed as he sunk into Shikamaru's chest. "They probably told you so that you'll let it slip to me. You're too lazy to keep secrets." 

"I refuse to comment," Shikamaru groaned as he massaged his head as settled for being Naruto's pillow for the moment. 

"How's Temari settling into Konoha?" Naruto asked curiously as he straddled his best friend. Shikamaru yawned as he gazed up at Naruto with furrowed brows. 

"Sasuke didn't tell you? She's taken it upon herself to get Temari settled in," Shikamaru shrugged as best he could on the ground. "Sasuke and Temari always had a similar personality profile Sasuke being a woman now just made it a match in heaven for them to be close friends soon." 

Naruto cupped his own cheek in thought. "I guess that's true, they're both proud people even if the situation calls for them to show humility. They're relentless as kunoichi, they have that same snarky attitude that comes out when dealing with someone who is a downright idiot. They aren't flower petals, they're as brash as men but somehow have such amazing curves. Yeah, they'll be great friends." 

"Can we get a few shadow clones Naruto just to expedite the process," Shikamaru whined slightly. 

"And here I thought you liked spending time with me," Naruto placed a hand on his chest in mock hurt. Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "Oh fine, I guess we both want to go home in a reasonable time." 

Temari had always been an independent and strong-willed woman. Growing up in the harsh desert environment of Sunagakure, she had developed a tough exterior to match. However, life had a funny way of surprising her. After the Fourth Great Ninja War, alliances were forged, friendships were rekindled, and unexpected relationships blossomed. One such relationship was the marriage between Temari and Shikamaru, the lazy yet incredibly intelligent shinobi from Konohagakure.

The village of Konoha was bustling with activity as Temari arrived, having recently married Shikamaru. She was a bit out of her element in the lush green surroundings, so vastly different from her desert home. Although she was no stranger to the Leaf Village due to her past interactions with the shinobi there, this time was different. This time, she was here to stay.

Sasuke, now married to Naruto, took on the role of Temari's guide and confidante. As the village's first impression on Temari, Sasuke showed her around Konoha's various landmarks and hidden gems. From the iconic training grounds to the serene park that held the Memorial Stone, Sasuke's guidance introduced Temari to the village's heart and soul.

One bright morning, as sunlight filtered through Konoha's streets, Sasuke and Temari found themselves in a charming coffee shop. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped them, creating an ambiance of comfort and ease. They sat across from each other, cups in hand, the atmosphere alive with the promise of a newfound friendship.

As the steam from their cups curled upwards, Temari couldn't help but express her gratitude. "Sasuke, I have to thank you for this. Being new to Konoha, your guidance has been invaluable. You're one of the first female members of the Konoha 12 to reach out to me in such a friendly manner."

Sasuke's lips quirked into a gentle smile. "Don't mention it, Temari. Our husbands have a bond like no other, and given their connection, it only makes sense for us to be friends too."

Curiosity danced in Temari's eyes as she leaned in, her interest piqued. "Sasuke, I'm genuinely curious—what's it like being married to Naruto? He's changed so much since our younger days."

Sasuke's smile held both fondness and amusement. "It's a whirlwind of emotions, to be honest. Naruto has this unique ability to surprise me every single day. His energy, his unwavering spirit—it's infectious. Waking up to him is an experience in itself."

Amid the soft chatter of the coffee shop and the laughter of patrons, Sasuke and Temari delved into their thoughts, exchanging stories and experiences. As the minutes turned into hours, their conversation ventured beyond the surface, revealing the depth of their personalities and the similarities that existed between them.

In the midst of their laughter and discussions, a moment of vulnerability emerged. Sasuke's gaze softened, her voice carrying a touch of uncertainty. "Temari, there's something I haven't had the chance to tell Naruto yet."

Temari's curiosity was immediately piqued, and she leaned in, offering her support and understanding. "What is it, Sasuke? You can trust me."

Sasuke drew a deep breath, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "I'm pregnant. It's an incredible surprise, but I'm not entirely sure how to approach telling Naruto. He has this way of finding joy and enthusiasm in everything, and I want this moment to be just right."

Temari's eyes lit up with genuine warmth as she processed the news. A radiant smile graced her features. "Sasuke, that's fantastic news! Congratulations! I have no doubt that Naruto will be over the moon when he learns about this."

Sasuke's relief was palpable, a weight seemingly lifted from her shoulders. "Do you really think so?"

Temari's smile remained unwavering. "Absolutely. The bond you share with Naruto is unbreakable, and I can't imagine anyone better to share this journey with. Have faith in your connection, Sasuke."

In that shared moment, the coffee shop seemed to glow with an aura of positivity and understanding. The friendship between Temari and Sasuke had been cemented further by this intimate revelation, a testament to the power of vulnerability and mutual support.

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