I don't want you to leave - Eddie Munson

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This one shot doesn't have spoilers for the happenings of season 4. It is set before season 4 starts.

Warning: mentions of drug use, assault.

"Eddie!" Y/N yells, slamming her fist against the door to Eddie Munson's trailer. She had no idea if he was awake, but she knew he was home because his van was sitting out front of the trailer. "Eddie!"

The door eventually swings open, nearly knocking her off the step.

"Y/N?" His voice is sleepy, confirming her suspicions of him being asleep. It wasn't uncommon for the two to hang out, smoke weed, listen to music, and talk about anything and everything until the early hours of the morning. What was unusual was her showing up at almost 2 a.m. banging on his door as if her life depended on him opening it. "What's going on?"

He notices a large red welt shaped like a hand on her right cheek and a small cut on her left cheek with a bruise forming around it. Her eyes are bloodshot, and her cheeks are stained with tears. The thought of someone hurting his best friend (and childhood crush) filled him with rage. He gently takes her hand in his and pulls her inside, closing the door behind them. He goes to the freezer, takes out a bag of frozen peas, wraps them in the towel, and presses them against her cheek, causing her to wince slightly.

"I'm sorry," he apologises, hating seeing her like this. As much as he wanted to hurt whoever did this to her, she was his number one priority right now. She needs him more than a jail cell does. "Did your father do this?" He asks her, his big brown eyes boring into hers, wanting to know every detail of what happened so he could help her as best he could.

It was well known that her father was an abusive alcoholic. It was only recently that the public became aware of it. After her mother left, her father made no effort to cover up how much of an asshole he really was. With Hopper gone, the town's police force had spiralled into a shit show. Her father was arrested several times for being drunk and disorderly, and he always blamed it on his wife leaving and fabricating lies about her disappearance, which gained sympathy from a majority of the people.

"I have to leave Eddie." She confirms his suspicions. "I can't stay any longer."

"Do you mean leave Hawkins or your house?" He asks her, his heart pounding as he struggles with his conflicting feelings.

She confirms, "Hawkins." she confirms. "He'll continue to make my life a living hell if I stay here. I can't be here as long as he's alive."

"I don't want you to leave," he says truthfully, even though a part of him wants to tell her to leave so he can be sure she's safe. But the selfish side of him came out and didn't want her to leave. He prefered that she stayed with him so that he could protect her. He never saw himself as a hero outside of Dungeons and Dragons, but he wanted to be her hero.

"I don't want to, but I have to," she sobs, tears streaming down her cheeks. She did not want to leave him. She loves him in ways that words cannot express. He was the one person she cared about more than anyone else. He had been her home since they first met in middle school. He wasn't a freak to her. He was just Eddie, her best friend, and her first and only love.

"Stay with me tonight, just tonight," he pleads. "Give me that much. And I'll take you wherever you want to go tomorrow."

She nods and embraces the young man. If she could stay in this moment for the rest of her life, she would. Eddie moved them to his bedroom after a few minutes. He helped her change into one of his shirts and climbed into bed. Nothing was said as they settled in and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

The two awoke shortly after 9 a.m. Eddie was preparing their breakfast while she sat at the counter watching him. They hadn't spoken about the early hours of this morning because they were both unsure how to bring it up.

"Have you made any recent deals?" She asks, noticing the lunch box that didn't just carry his lunch was now sitting on the counter close to him.

"Just the usual amount," he replies. "Do you want to tell me about what happened last night?"

The mood around them changed instantly as Y/N sat up straighter, thinking about last night. "Dad came home drunk, woke me up to make him something to eat, and when I refused, he called me an ungrateful and useless bitch and did this," she motions to her bruised and cut cheek. It wasn't as bad as she had anticipated. "After he passed out, I packed a bag and came here."

"To say goodbye," he murmured to himself. "I'll go with you."

"What was that?" She asks, not quite hearing him.

"I can come with you," he says a little louder.

"No, no you can't, Eddie. This is your year, remember? '86 is your year. You'll finally graduate, and you have the Hellfire Club. You can't just leave those kids. They love and adore you." She moves behind him and turns him to face her. "You also have your uncle to consider. He needs you too."

"I'd give it all up for you," he says sincerely.

"Why?" She asked, surprised. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I love you, god dammit." He admits suddenly becoming a little timid and bashful, a side of Eddie that only a few people got to see. "I've loved you since middle school. And I simply can not imagine my life without you."

Y/N's heart skips a beat and begins thumping loudly against her chest. Instead of saying anything, she cups his face and pulls him into a passionate kiss, letting him know she feels the same way.

When they break the kiss, she tells him, "I'll stay. If it's okay with your Uncle, I'll stay with you because I can't go back to that house."

"You don't have to go back there ever again," Eddie reassures her and pulls her into another kiss.

"And I love you too," she says softly against his lips.

This didn't go how I planned at all. Would like some requests. Also working on a story.

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