Interview - Joseph Q.

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As Y/N waits for the next YouTube interviewer to arrive, she is seated between her boyfriend and her close friend. She is holding onto Joseph's hand and spinning his ring around his finger with her free hand. She does this to calm her anxiety. She's thankful of being paired with him and Jamie. Their goofing about always distracts her from her anxiety and they both had a presence about them that made her feel calm and relaxed. She has grown close to all the cast members, but she's especially close to these two. She began dating Joseph just before the filming Stranger Things 4 was finished.

"I'm hungry," she murmurs, her gaze fixed on Joseph's ring. "Would you like to get some dinner once we finish here?" She moves her gaze to the two men.

"I told Jess I'll call her once we're finished here," Jamie replies.

"Tell her I said hello," she says before turning to face her boyfriend. "Should we eat out tonight or stay in and order room service?"

"I think we should stay in," he says agreeing with her second option. "We can go out tomorrow night."

"Sounds good to me," she says, pecking his lips as the next interviewer walks in.

They are greeted by the interviewer, who introduces herself as Angela as she shakes their hands. They also introduce themselves to her as they shake her hand.

Four questions into the interview, they were laughing and joking, enjoying themselves with Angela when she holds up a photo that has recently been making the rounds on social media due to the Stranger Things official instagram.

It was a photograph of Joseph and Y/N sleeping in the boat in the boat shed in between scenes. On top of the tarp, they were both asleep, with Y/N curled up into Joseph's side using his shoulder as a pillow, her hand flat against his chest, and their legs intertwined. Joseph had one arm up above his head and the other around Y/N, holding her close to him. Although it wasn't the most comfortable place to fall asleep, they both unintentionally dozed off both feeling exhausted from their day of filming.

"This is too cute," Angela remarks, gushing over the photo. She was the first to mention the behind the scenes photograph that Gaten had secretly snapped when he went to check on them.

When it was revealed that they were dating, Joseph and Y/N, like Charlie and Natalia, never denied it. They had been caught holding hands and sharing a quick kiss but they didn't outright publicize their relationship on social media or to the media in general, preferring to keep it as private as possible. Although it is private, their relationship isn't a secret.

"We all love Eddie and Y/C/N together and we love it even more that you two are actually in a real life relationship." Angela continues her gushing. " When this photo was taken, were you actually asleep?"

"We actually are asleep in that photo," Y/N answers, Joseph nods his head, a blush forming on both their cheeks. "It was an intense day of filming and we were exhausted."

Joseph softly squeezes her hand, which he is still holding. When he looks back at her, his brown eyes lock with hers sharing the same love and adoration in their eyes. Both of them knew when they started to get to know each other, they had found the person they were going to marry and have children with and spend the rest of their lives with.

"I attempted to sneak in on their nap time, but there wasn't enough room for three people, and I didn't want to kick Y/N off the boat," Jamie jokes, causing them to laugh and look at him

"I'm always the third wheel," Y/N complains exasperatedly, rolling her eyes.

Since she began doing the press tour with the older cast members, it has been a running joke that she's the third wheel instead of the other person doing the interviews with her and Joseph. If wasn't Joseph and Jamie, it was Joseph and Joe Keery, the second having started on set. Though Joseph did feel like a third wheel once while he and Y/N filmed a video for another YouTube channel. Y/N and Maya's friendship is quite similar to Joseph and Jamie's friendship.

"That's why I let you sit in between us today," Jamie continues, making her giggle once again.

During the rest of the interview, they were asked about their experiences filming the show, how much their lives have changed since the premiere of season 4, and what they would have liked to see happen for their characters.

An hour after the interviews finished, Joseph and Y/N are back in their hotel room, curled up on the bed watching a movie. Her phone pings and she picks it up off the bedside table and sees a message from her mom. She unlocks the screen and smiles when she sees the photo of them sleeping in the boat. She quickly replies to her mom's text message and puts her phone back down. 

"I love you," she says snuggling back into Joseph's side.

He kisses the top of her head, holding her close. "I love you too, baby."

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