Dirty Dancing - Eddie Munson

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Request from: beaniemartini

"No, no way," Eddie shakes his head at his girlfriends choice of movie for their movie night. It was her choice and she had gone with Dirty Dancing. They had spent the last 20 minutes arguing over her choice of movie.

"Why not?!" She exclaims holding up the movie.

"Because we have watched Dirty Dancing a million times already," he points out, "It's a movie for girls."

"It's amazing, and I thought my vagina was a give away to the fact that I am girl!" She looks at him slightly offended. "I've sat through The Lord of the Rings many times for you! But you know what, movie night is canceled tonight."

She picks up the video store bag shoving the video tape back inside it and goes to storm into their bedroom.

"No wait!" Eddie stops her. "I'll watch it if it means we can still have movie night. It's been tradition since we were 13." He pouts a little. "And you love The Lord of the Rings too."

"The books are better," Y/N smiles to herself in victory as she pulls the video back out of her bag and hands it to him.

He sighs taking the video from her and places it in the video player, setting it up to play.

Grabbing the remote, he makes his way over to the couch and sits down. She goes into their small kitchen area to make the popcorn.

Twenty minutes later they are snuggled up on the couch, blinds closed, lights off, a blanket over their legs and a bowl of popcorn sitting on Eddie's lap.

Eddie smiles as he listens to Y/N sing quietly along with the songs in the movie. He looks down at her, seeing her fully immersed in her favourite movie, a small but content smile on her lips, her eyes lighting up as her favourite scenes come on. Eddie knew he would endure Dirty Dancing time and time if it meant seeing his girl happy and relaxed, enjoying something she loves. He kisses the top of her head and turns his attention back to the movie.

An hour later it's the final dance scene, Eddie is expecting Y/N to sing along with '(I've had) the time of my life' but she doesn't. He looks down at her again, noticing her eyes are closed and her breathing is steady as she leans into him. She had called asleep.

Carefully and quietly he moves her to their bed making sure not to wake her. Once she's in bed, the blankets pulled over her, he makes his way back out to the living room, turns off the tv and video player and all the lights that are still on before heading back into their bedroom, stripping off and getting into bed himself. He wraps an arm around her waist, holding her close as he drifts off into a peaceful sleep.


Now before some of y'all come at me saying 'dirty dancing didn't come out until 1987' - I know that so let's pretend that the events of 1986 didn't happen and Eddie 'survived' and wasn't accused of murder, he finally graduated and that him and you left Hawkins and now live happily ever after.

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