Take on me - Eddie Munson

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Warning: mention of drug use.

"What song is your favorite right now?" Eddie asked curious about Y/N's musical tastes as they sat on the lone picnic table in the middle of the woods, passing an almost-finished joint between them. Y/N was lying lengthwise on the table top as he sat on one of the seats closer to her, so they didn't have to reach far when passing the joint back and forth. The two new friends had just recently met and were still getting to know one another.

"This will sound cheesy, but it's A-Take ha's On Me." She responds after a short moment of contemplation. Despite the fact that she has numerous favorites, Take On Me was the first song that came to mind. She readies herself for the playful criticism from Eddie.

Rock music, according to the lovable metalhead, should be the only kind of music. She agreed to some extent, declaring rock music as her favorite genre, but her musical tastes expanded beyond that. Metallica, Dio, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Slayer, and many others are among her favorites, but she also enjoys The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, Stevie Ray Vaughn, The Righteous Brothers, and Janis Joplin, to name a few. Her parents were responsible for her eclectic musical tastes. Her parents were huge musical enthusiasts, with Woodstock being one of their best memories.

He looks at her, momentarily stunned by her choice of song, his eyes travelling to the Slayer tshirt she's wearing. "I didn't think you would be a pop music lover."

She puffs on the joint and hands it back to Eddie, who finishes it. "There's a lot about me you don't know, Munson."

"I like how unexpected you are, Y/L/N," he admits.

"Yeah?" She wonders.

"It keeps things interesting," he says, nodding.

"Glad to be of service, Eddie the Musically inclined," she beams as she turns her head to face him, her gaze locked with his stunning, deep brown eyes.

She wasn't sure if it was because they were high or because his eyes were simply so beautiful, but she found herself becoming lost in his vast pools of chocolate eyes.

As his voice fills the silent surroundings, she is soon jolted out of her trance.

"Take on me, take on me. Take me on, take on me; I'll be gone in a day," Eddie sings loudly and completely off tune, which leads the young woman to burst out laughing, her head thrown back. "It's a cool song."

"But they're not Metallica or Black Sabbath, are they?" She smiles as she turns her head to look at him again.

She laughs once again when he says, "Obviously," as if she has gone insane.

He smirks at her, at ease, and not simply due to the joint they just shared. They both felt a sense of peace with each other. He was easy to get along with for Y/N. He knows how to keep the conversation interesting and flowing. He wasn't a creep and always made her feel comfortable with him. He didn't press her to discuss anything she wasn't ready to talk about with him, and he was a genuinely good guy with a kind heart who was making the best of what life had thrown at him.

She hadn't genuinely smiled or laughed in a while. He couldn't blame her. According to what she had told him, she had always been close to her father, therefore his untimely death was devastating and unexpected. He wasn't close to his own father, who was incarcerated and serving time for numerous criminal charges including murder, so he didn't pretend to understand how she was feeling.

Although he is aware that she is high right now, he still found it amusing to see and hear her laugh and see her smile. In his eyes, it made her look even more beautiful.

"Do you think that cloud looks like a butterfly?" She gestures to the sky, which is visible through the gap in the trees, and asks the metal head. She was definitely high right now.

"Let me see," he says, beckoning for her to move over. He rises from his seat and climbs onto the tabletop with her.

To give him room to lie next to her, she slowly slides aside, making sure not to fall off the table. The two are shoulder to shoulder, as they looked up at the sky. Eddie squints his eyes a little, trying to see the shape of a butterfly.

"Looks more like a cat," he adds, causing her to laugh out loud once again.

They spent the rest of their afternoon skipping class and discerning what clouds looked like which shape while cracking jokes and getting to know each other a little better.

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