Hot Summers Day - Eddie Munson

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Summer 1985

Today is unquestionably the hottest day of the year. Y/air N's trailer's conditioning unit has broken again, and the local handyman is unavailable to repair it due to the numerous other air conditioning units in the trailer park that need to be repaired. She exits her trailer in search of some form of relief from the heat wave after deciding she can no longer endure it anymore. She finds the Ashburn children's paddling pool to be empty and begging to be used.

Since the children's mother is too inebriated to even notice where her kids are right now, Y/N is confident that she won't even notice that the pool is missing. Sonny, the oldest of the three children, frequently takes her younger sisters out for the day, not wanting them to witness their mother's utter stupidity in choosing the drink over them. She also knows Sonny wouldn't mind if she "borrowed" the pool because they never use it since they are gone the majority of the time.

She drags the paddling pool to where she wants it and grabs the hose, rinsing it out before leaving the hose in it to fill it up with water. She returns to her trailer and changes into the peach-colored bikini top she borrowed (but never returned) from her sister and a pair of light blue Daisy Duke denim shorts she cut up from her favorite pair of jeans to wear during the summer. She slathers on sunscreen, not wanting to deal with a painful sunburn that she could have easily avoided, and gathers everything she needs to go outside. On her way back from her bedroom, she grabs her two deck chairs and a can of coke from the fridge and heads back outside.

Y/N arranges the chairs, one of which serves as a table for her cigarettes, the book she's currently reading, her walkman, and sunscreen. She walks over to the outdoor tap and turns off the water before returning to the paddling pool and sitting on the empty chair as she dips her feet in the cool water. She takes a cigarette from her pack and puts it between her lips before lighting it. She picks up her walkman and puts the headphones over her ears before pressing the play button.

She closes her eyes, a cigarette in one hand and her can of coke in the other, as she loses herself in the soothing raspy sound of Ozzy Osbourne's voice.

Y/N loses track of time until she is startled by someone flicking water in her face. When she looks up, she sees Eddie Munson standing in front of her. The young man has a mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk on his handsome face as he looks back at her.

"What the hell, Munson?" She glares at him and removes her headphones.

Smirking, he shrugs his shoulders, and holds out a can of beer to her. "Can you forgive me?"

"You know, it'll take more than a beer," she quips as she takes the beer from him. "But please join me," she says, shifting her belongings from the chair she's using as a table.

"I have some more stuff if you want to come over later," he says. He's referring to the weed he gets from his supplier, Reefer Rick.

"Can we hang out at my trailer tonight?" she inquires.

When she last stayed with him, they nearly got caught the following morning when Wayne arrived home early from work. They had just finished having sex , when they heard Wayne's truck pull up outside the trailer. It had been a mad dash to gather their clothing and rush into Eddie's room before Wayne walked inside. After almost being caught by Eddie's only father figure, Y/N thought she'd die of embarrassment. Her embarrassment grew as she realized Wayne knew exactly what they had been up to when they finally emerged from Eddie's room, her cheeks flushed and Eddie wearing a large smirk on his face after all his teasing. Wayne only shook his head and mumbled something about deep cleaning the trailer.

Her embarrassment grew as she realized Wayne knew exactly what they had been up to when they finally emerged from Eddie's room, her cheeks flushed and Eddie wearing a large smirk on his face after all his teasing. Wayne only shook his head and mumbled something about deep cleaning the trailer.

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