Preferably naked - Eddie Munson

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Another Eddie Munson one-shot! I have issues.

"Where are you headed?" Mumbling is heard behind Y/N as she ties the laces on her rundown pair of white sneakers. She turns her head to glance back at the young man who is moving to sit up, sleepily staring at her.

She gives him a sweet smile. "I have work, and you have school."

"Do I need to go?" He moans and lays back on the mattress.

"Would you like to graduate this year?" She stands up, spins around, and kneels next to him on the bed. She leans forward to brush her lips against his in a kiss .

Two years ago, Eddie Munson was supposed to graduate from high school. That same year, Y/N had graduated. This year he'd been most committed to finally graduating. All his hard work and efforts were about to pay off. With just one more class to pass, he will be able to walk across the stage, flip off the principal, and exit the building for good.

"Do you wish to discover my true desires?" He asks, yanking her down onto him, and gives her another kiss. He was using his dungeons and dragons talk. That was something he found himself doing often when trying to seduce her. Both of them were fantasy nerds, so Y/N has to admit it works for her. "For us both to call in sick and stay in bed the remainder of the day, preferably naked." He adds taking in the horrible yellow uniform she was wearing.

Y/N presses her lips to his once more before pulling away. She stands up and begins looking for the van's keys so she can get something out of it before she leaves for work. "Even though I would really love to do that, the diner is currently short-staffed, and we need the cash if we want to get our own trailer after you graduate. "Where are your keys?"

She hears him mutter something about the kitchen counter as he moves to get out of bed himself. She spots his keys lying there on the counter, in plain view, as she leaves their shared bedroom and enters the little kitchen area. She snatches them up, goes outside to the van, unlocks the door, and slides it open. She climbs inside the back and searches through one of the boxes that filled up one-third of the back area.

Y/N and her parents had a heated confrontation a month ago. They disapprove of her relationship with the town "freak." They also disagreed with her decision to not attend college immediately after she graduated from high school. Her parents expected her to go to medical school and pursue a profession in medicine, just like themselves. Her father is a neurologist and her mother is a paediatrician. Y/N accepted to go along with their plans for her up until her senior year, when everything changed for her. She realised that being a doctor wasn't what she wanted to become.

Of course, her parents accused Eddie of influencing her to change her mind. Her parents referred to him as "the man with no future" and believed he had manipulated her with his "fake" love and false promises to keep her where he wanted her. According to Y/N, if it wasn't for him, his love, encouragement, and support, she would be still stuck in a life she was not happy in. She was able to realise she wasn't being herself thanks to Eddie. She concealed the fact that she wasn't just a smart nerd who received A+ grades on the majority of her assignments. She enjoys reading fantasy books, creating dragon and warrior princess stories of her own, along with drawing scenes to go along with the words she's written. She also enjoys watching sci-fi and horror films and TV shows and listening to heavy metal music with Eddie. Eddie sometimes uses her creative skills for his D&D campaigns.

Her greatest passion is art. Despite the disapproval of her parents, she continues to draw and paint. Her biggest supporter, her ever-loving boyfriend, constantly inspires and encourages her to pursue her passion for her creative outlet. She feels like she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to when her favourite metal head and Dungeon Master is by her side. She would be content if her future included residing in a trailer park with Eddie and spending her days doing art and writing.

Eddie's uncle Wayne didn't think twice about welcoming her to live with them after her parents kicked her out of their home. Eddie is overjoyed at how well his girl and his only parental figure get along. Wayne acknowledges how valuable Y/N is to his nephew and was happy for and supportive of the young couple. Unfortunately, the trailer lacked the space to put everything she was allowed to bring from her parents' house, so the less essential items remained in Eddie's van until they found a place of their own.

When she manages to find what she was looking for, she exits the van and waves to Max, the teenage girl who lives across from them. With a forced smile on her face, the young teen waves back. Y/N felt bad for the girl. She was aware that the previous year wasn't easy for her. She made a mental note that she needed to visit Max later.

She enters the trailer again and finds Eddie dressed and cooking breakfast. She sets her belongings down before approaching him and encircling his waist with her arms from behind him. "Can you take me to work today?" She asks him.

"Of course." He turns around in her arms, her hands moving over his hips. "Would you like me to pick you up as well?"

"You have the Hellfire Club tonight. "I'll get a ride home with Sally," she replied, mentioning her favourite coworker, who lives close to the trailer park.

He nods his head, letting her know he heard what she said, and he drops a kiss on her nose before kissing her lips. "I love you, my queen."

Returning the kiss with a grin, she responds, "I love you too, my king."

As their kiss intensifies, Eddie pulls her closer to him and digs his fingers into her hips, holding her tightly but not enough to hurt her. As he moves them back up against the wall and scoops her up, wrapping her legs around his hips, she grabs hold of his shirt, clinging tightly to him. The smell of burning food reaches her nose, interrupting their passionate make-out session before it could go any further. She pulls her face away from his, only for him to move his kisses to her neck. She struggles to contain a pleasure-filled moan.

When she notices smoke pouring from the pan on the stovetop, she sighs, "Eddie." She grabs his hair and gently pulls his head back when he doesn't stop, causing him to look at her in bewilderment. "As much as I would love to continue this, the food is burning," she alerts him.

"Shit!" He curses while he gently releases her, before he rushes to the stove, takes the pan from the burner, and dumps it into the sink. He turns on the cold water faucet, causing the water to sizzle when it reaches the sizzling hot pan.

"How about we leave in five and grab breakfast at the diner?" Y/N suggests from her spot, leaning against the wall.

"Let me get my lunchbox and jacket, and then we can go." He gives her one last kiss as he moves past her and back into their room to grab his things.

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