Rockstar Love - Eddie Munson

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H/C - Hair Color | E/C - Eye Color | F/B - Favorite Book

"Whoo! Yeah, Eddie!"

Eddie Munson hears his best friend's voice shouting over his guitar solo, prompting him to look at her. His smile is beaming ear to ear. It wasn't difficult to find her among the bars patrons because she was the sole person rocking out to the music on the dance floor, cheering for them. Her H/C hair swaying side to side, her E/C eyes lighting up with joy as her head and body moved to the rhythm of his guitar. She's truly enjoying herself while the other five bar patrons and the bartender were too drunk to care.

This is the first time he's brought her to one of his gigs in the two years they've been friends. She used to work on Tuesday nights, but her new schedule allows her those nights off. Now, Y/N will use them to attend Corroded Coffin's gigs at The Hideout. She's been to many of their practices but seeing them play live, no matter how big (or small) the crowd, it's so much different. She's already their number one fan, has been since the moment Eddie told her that he's in a band.

Eddie feels a pleasant twist in his stomach and an unexpected warmth flood his body as he shifts his gaze between her and his guitar. Although Y/N has always been beautiful in his eyes, he has never seen her look more breathtakingly beautiful than she does right now. She is rocking out without caring what the drunks think of her, cheering for him and his band and completely coming out of her shell, becoming the carefree person that he was only one of few that got to see. Never has he ever seen her so at ease in front of strangers. She always leans more toward the reserved and shy side of things when it comes to people she doesn't know.

In terms of personality, he and Y/N are complete opposites, but they balance each other out. While she soothes his hyperactivity just as much as the weed he smokes does, he helps her come out of her shell. It helps tremendously that she enjoys metal music, has been begging him to teach her how to play Dungeons & Dragons, isn't on the "Eddie the Freak" bandwagon, and gets along fantastically with the only parental figure who's ever given a shit about him. He honestly believes she is his other half, his better half, and he can't deny how in love with her he is anymore.

"You guys were amazing!" Y/N applauds as the band leaves the little stage. She surprises everyone by giving hugs to Gareth and the others before giving Eddie a hug. Her hug with Eddie is a little tighter and lasts a little longer than her hug with the others.

After his surprise from her unexpected hug faded, Gareth beams proudly, "Thanks Y/N."

The others added their thanks also before leaving Eddie and Y/N and going to the bar to get a well-earned drink. As he follows the other two to the bar, Gareth gives his friend a pat on the back.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Eddie asks, his face serious, his tongue sticking out like it usually does when he is contemplating or concentrating on something.

"Aren't you supposed to help the others pack up the instruments?" She asks to make sure he won't be leaving others short for help.

He assures her, "I just have to take my guitar and amp, the others have everything else. I made sure they're cool with it."

"Then lead the way, Sir Edward Munson," she quips, bowing and sweeping her arm out towards the stage.

"Ugh, don't call me that," he groans, cringing as he leads her to the stage.

"What, Sir?" She teases him, knowing he was referring to Edward. Except while filling out legal forms, he never goes by Edward. "I thought you like being called Sir."

Despite the amusement in his doe brown eyes, he shoots her a glare. "You know what I mean."

"I'm sorry, please forgive me?" she puts on the puppy dog eyes and pleads with him, helping him pack up his beloved instrument, which only she is permitted to touch other than him.

"Buy me dinner and I might just forgive you," he fixes his eyes on her and can't stop the grin from growing on his lips. It's at this moment that the butterflies appear, and he becomes serious again, focusing on putting his guitar into its case.

Y/N observes his change in demeanour and gives him a worried look, but she says nothing. She knows Eddie well enough to know that if something is bothering him, he'll talk to her when he's ready and that there's no point in pushing it.

"I'll buy you dinner," she offers, knowing that he's jesting with her."The pizza place should still be open. We can make a stop there before going back to your trailer." Despite the fact that her trailer is two doors down from his, she'll be staying with him tonight.

"I was kidding," he explains as he redirects his gaze to her again.

She acknowledges, "I know, but I'm starving. I also can't eat an entire pizza by myself."

"Okay," He nods in agreement and straightens up again as he raises his guitar case off the floor. Y/N grabs his amp and walks with him to his van. "But we're not going back to the trailer right away."

"No?" She is perplexed as she watches him unlock the sliding door of his van, opens it, and places his guitar inside before taking the amp from her and setting it next to the guitar case. .

"I was thinking we could go out to Lover's Lake and hang out there for a little while," he says, not wanting to give away that he wants to have a serious talk with her. He knows her well enough that if he suggests that they need to talk, she will immediately begin to imagine the worst-case scenarios in her head. He does not want her to assume something is wrong when there isn't anything wrong at all.

"Sounds wonderful," she responds, letting him know she's fine with it as he closes the door. "Can we get the pizza on the way out there?"

"Yeah, because I'm starving too," he replies as he grabs her hand and pulls her towards the front passenger seat, unlocking and opening the door for her.

She turns to face him, a little startled by how close they are standing. Her breath catches as her heart races, butterflies forming in her stomach as she watches his eyes wander from hers to her lips and linger there for a few seconds before meeting her eyes again.

However, she finds herself staring at his full, chapped lips and imagining what it would be like to kiss them. She catches herself thinking about this and many other things on a regular basis.

For example, how would his rough calloused hands feel against the silky skin of her thighs when he raised her off the ground and pressed her up against a wall, or placed her on top of a kitchen counter?

But she wouldn't tell anyone, let alone Eddie, about her thoughts or feelings she's been habouring for him since she moved into Forest Hills Trailer Park two years ago because her fear of rejection is strong.

She had experienced emotional whiplash because of how quickly and deeply she had fallen in love with Eddie Munson. She'd been residing at the trailer park for about three weeks when Eddie approached her when she was sitting at the picnic table, reading her copy of F/B while wearing her headphones and listening to Guns 'N' Roses. She was immediately drawn to his beautiful, large brown eyes. She often finds herself becoming lost in them. Just like she is right now.

Eddie moves his hands to cup her face as if her were reading her mind and then closes the space between them, placing a soft kiss to her lips.

The kiss is hesitant and unsure at first, and he pulls back just enough to gage her reaction. As soon as his lips had touched hers, she closed her eyes. She tucks her bottom lip between her teeth and opens her eyes to look into his as he studies her face.

"I love you," she whispers before she can stop herself, her brain malfunctioning from the kiss. While Eddie's eyes widen in surprise, his smile grows bigger.

"I love you too," he replies, kissing her more boldly this time as his arms wrap around her waist, drawing her closer to him.

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