Love at first sight - Joseph Quinn

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Another imagine request from Tumblr.

Y/N/N - Your niece's name and Y/S/N - Your sister's name.

Y/N wakes up to the sound of her two-year-old daughter's giggles and finds her husband's side of the bed empty and cold. She climbs out of bed, wraps her silk robe around her and heads in the direction of her little girl's laughter. She finds both the toddler and Joseph in the living room surrounded by her dolls and all the doll accessories imaginable. Neither of them notice that she is standing there as she leans against the door frame and watches them play. She feels herself melt, her smile growing as she listens to Joseph talk in different voices, occasionally changing between accents as he entertains their daughter. The little girl, who is the spitting image of her dad, suddenly lets out a squeal of delight, her dark dirty blonde curls moving with the moment of her head as she bounces up and down, clapping her tiny hands. Her doe-brown eyes light up with joy as she looks at her dad. It was moments like these that had Y/N falling completely in love with her little family, even more than she thought was possible.

Y/N couldn't believe how much her life had changed since meeting Joseph almost five years ago at a comic con convention. And it was all thanks to her niece. As she continues to watch her husband and daughter play, she gets lost in her memories of the time she and Joseph met and how much has happened since then.

"Come on Aunty Y/N, I can't be last in line!" her 13-year-old niece exclaimed as she tugged her through the crowd to the line that was beginning to form for photos with the Stranger Things cast. Her sister, Y/S/N, had bought the tickets for her daughter's birthday but unfortunately wasn't able to go herself due to work commitments and had persuaded Y/N to take Y/N/N instead. Y/N joked with her, telling her she owed her.

"Y/N/N, sweetie, we are far from the end of the line," Y/N assures her niece as she glances at the line behind them beginning to form. There were at least 20 people in front of them. "Are you going to tell me about the new cast so I can know who's who?"

Y/N/N's eyes light up as she launches into her rant about the new cast and characters. She was a huge Stranger Things fan who always jumped at the opportunity to talk about her favorite show with anyone who would listen. It had taken her a while to persuade Y/N to watch the show with her. She never had the time to sit down for a few hours to watch it with the young teen girl, but before going to Comic Con, Y/N gave in and promised to start watching it with her when they returned home later in the day.

With Y/N/N's raving about her favorites in the show, their waiting time went by quickly. Before they knew it, it was their turn.

"Are you sure you want me in your photo?" Y/N asks her niece, feeling a little hesitant. She assures her that she does and takes her hand in hers, pulling her to where they need to be.

"Hello, I'm Joseph," the man they had come to see to take a photo with introduces himself. Y/N feels her breath get caught in her throat and her heart start to race as she locks eyes with him. She was instantly mesmerized by his beautiful brown eyes. Joseph looks at her just as mesmerized, his heart also racing.

"I'm... uh... I'm Y/N," she tells him as they shake hands.

"And I'm Y/N/N," the teenage girl says, looking between the two in confusion and concern for her aunt. She had never witnessed her usually confident aunt become a blubbering mess.

"It's lovely to meet you both," he smiles.

They got the photo taken, and Y/N and Y/N/N were quickly moved along. Y/N feels his eyes on her as they walk away. She turns her head and smiles, seeing him looking back at her. She offers him a smile and a small wave, which he returns before his attention goes back to the next person to take a photo of him.

"You're in love with him!" her niece exclaimed, teasing her as they went to get their photo.

"No, I'm not!" she denies. "I don't even know him."

Y/N/N says, "People can fall in love at first sight."

"It's not as common as you think, kiddo."

For the next few hours, Y/N and Y/N/N spent their time moving around the large convention centre. They bought a few things at some of the stalls that were set up. Y/N/N had been saving all her pocket money for a year just to spend it all today on a few t-shirts and limited edition pop vinyl collectables. Y/N even bought herself a few things. As they went around the convention centre, Y/N found her thoughts traveling back to Joseph and the way she had felt when she met him. It made her sad that she might never see him again.

"Hey kiddo, should we go take a breather and get something to eat and drink?" she asks her niece, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. Y/N/N nods her head in agreement. They find the closest exit and walk out of the building into the hot weather. 

"Y/N!" she hears her name called and turns in the direction that it came from. She sees Joseph from earlier coming over to them. She didn't know whether to be surprised that he was walking over to them or that he had remembered her name with the amount of people he was meeting today.

"Hello," he says as he reaches them. She was happy barely anyone was around, the only people really being there is his security team and them. 

"Hi," she replies.

"Are you leaving already?" he asks looking between the aunt and niece duo.

"We're getting something to eat," Y/N/N tells him and decides to invite him with them since her aunt seemed to stunned to speak. "Would you like to come with us?"

"I would love too but I can't, sorry," he apologises looking genuinely disappointed that he couldn't go with them. "But if you don't have plans later, maybe we could do something."

"I have plans but she doesn't," Y/N/N says, a large smile on her face as she nudges her aunt. "Right, Auntie Y/N?"

"Right," she agrees even though she did have plans. 

"Okay well, I can give you my number and we can sort something out, if that's okay with you?" he as his security team start to get impatient.

"It's okay with me," she said handing him her phone so he could put his number in. He texts his own phone from her one so that he also has her number. 

"I'll message you once I'm free," he tells her. She nods and they exchange goodbyes as he's led back to where he needs to be. 

Y/N didn't need to wait long for Joseph to message her. It was only an hour after they had exchanged numbers. He had finally gotten 10 minutes to himself and couldn't wait to message her. They quickly made plans to go out for dinner that night and it had gone better than either of them expected.

From that night they had constantly messaged, called and video called when they both had free time. Within a year they had moved in together in London, within two years they were married, her sister being her matron of honour since she was married and her niece being her maid of honour. Their daughter had been born 9 months after their wedding, Y/N having gotten pregnant on their honeymoon. It was unexpected and unplanned but the young couple couldn't be happier. 

"There's mummy," Joseph's voice brings her out of her memory's. 

She smiles and makes her way over to her two main loves and sits down next to Joseph. Their daughter climbs onto her lap and Joseph leans over and gives her a gentle kiss. 

"Good morning," she continues to smile when he pulls away.

"Good morning," he replies, the smile on his face, just as big and wide as hers their eyes remain on one another.

"I love you," she says kissing him once more.

"I love you too," he replies. 

"I wuv you," they hear their daughter say.

They both smile down at the little girl.

"And we love you too," Joseph says as he starts tickling her, causing her to squeal again in delight and Y/N to laugh as she joins in on their fun.

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