New Addition - Joseph Quinn

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Joseph's gentle and familiar touch causes Y/N to awaken from her shoer slumber. His soft lips delicately press a kiss to her forehead while his thumb caresses her cheek. Usually when he has early mornings or gets home late after late nights on set, he wakes her up in this way. She casts a sleepy gaze in his direction as her eyes flicker open.

As he releases her seatbelt, he quietly exclaims, "Hey darling, we're home now."

As she takes in her surroundings, she remembers she was unable to keep her eyes open as the movement of the car as he drove them home from the hospital has lulled her to sleep.

"Where's Emily?" she asks as he assists her out of the car before closing the door and moving to the back seat to grab the baby and duffle bags.

"She's inside." He tells her closing the door and locking the car. Placing a hand on her lower back and taking her hand in his, he helps her inside their two bedroom flat.

Two days ago, Y/N gave birth to a little girl, making them parents for the first time. Emily was born in the early hours of the morning without any complications. Everything went as anticipated. According to the new parents, she is the perfect mixture of them. She has her father's lips, eyes, and nose and her mother's hair colour, ears, and skin tone. She is also gaining weight every day, sleeping well, eating well, and adjusting to the outside world brilliantly. Once all the appointments were made and they knew they could reach her doctor by phone if they need her, her doctor had no concerns about discharging Y/N and Emily from the hospital.

"Do you want to have a nap while she's still sleeping?" he asks, closing and locking the door behind them.

She nods her head and heads into their bedroom. While Emily is still sound asleep in the baby carrier, he picks it up and follows her into their bedroom. He sets the carrier, together with the infant and duffle bags, on his side of the bed and helps Y/N into bed.

"Can you move her to the bassinet?" she asks as she snuggles into her bed. Even though it had only been two days, she still missed her bed. This bed is far more comfortable than the hospital bed she slept in.

Y/N watches as he tenderly unbuckles his newborn and removes her from the carrier. Lovingly smiling at the father and daughter, s he feels herself fall even more in love with her little family as she hears him coo at the tiny baby when she whimpers and squirms in her sleep as he sets her in her bassinet. Once Emily is in her bassinet, she urges him to come lay down with her.

Joseph moves the baby carrier and the bags off the bed and kicks off his shoes before getting into bed beside her. He lays on his back extending his arm towards her. She takes it as her hint to move closers to him, resting her head on his shoulder and her arm across his stomach.

He kisses the top of her head, "I'm so glad you and Emily are home. "

"I am, too," she says, nestling into him, her eyelids closing as sleep takes over once more.

Y/N sleeps for a few hours before awakening, feeling more alert than earlier. When she turns to face Joseph's side of the bed, she notices that it is unoccupied. She sits up to look in the bassinet and finds that it is empty too. She carefully gets out of bed and walks out of their bedroom and into the hallway, where she can hear Joseph whispering softly from the nursery.

She enters the room to discover Joseph shirtless and Emily just wearing a nappy as he rocks them in the rocking chair gifted to them by his mother. "How long has she been awake?"

He looks up hearing her. "Not very long. She seems to be ready for another feeding. She's suckling on her fist."

Y/N looks at the clock on the wall, noting that its been almost four house since her last feed. "Wanna switch places?"

He nods and slowly gets to his feet while cooing at the baby, who whimpers once again. As she prepares to feed her daughter, Y/N sits down in the rocking chair. Emily latches on to her mother as soon as she is in her arms. Looking down at her daughter and then back at her husband, she pouts slightly. "This still seems so weird, but amazing."

"It's so surreal that she's finally here after so many months of preparing for her arrival," he smiles understanding what she means, before adding, "I'm happy we told everyone not to come over until the weekend. I'm not yet ready to share her to anyone else."

"We have to share her with your mother tomorrow," she agrees, reminding him that his mother will be stopping by tomorrow to drop off some baby supplies she bought for Emily as well as some things for Y/N to aid with her recovery.

Over the weekend, the older woman will be staying with some friends while she's out of town. When Y/N went into labour, her mother-in-law was about to cancel on her friends even though she had it booked for months in advance.

Y/N reminded her mother-in-law that she doesn't frequently get to see her old school friends or gets go away for the weekend and made a lighthearted threat to forbid her from seeing Emily for a week if she cancelled the plans she's been looking forward to for weeks.

"You are aware she'll take a lot of photos to show her friends, right?" Joseph forewarns her.

"As long as she doesn't share them on social media, she can take as many photos as she wants," she says.

That was yet another thing they had told everyone they knew. Photos are allowed, but sharing them on social media is strictly forbidden. They intend to shield their baby from the crazy world of social media. Because they want to keep their lives as private as possible, they hardly use social media at all. Trying to maintain their private lives became a little more challenging due to Joseph's unexpected and sudden rise to fame from Stranger Things 4, but both of them are grateful for the new opportunities it brought for the British actor.

"She knows the rules," he says as he brings the stool that's next to the crib over to the rocking chair and sits down, taking puts his daughter's tiny hand in his hand. "I can't believe we made her." He looks at their two-day-old daughter with so much love that tears begin to form in his eyes.

"You better believe it, baby, because we did make her," She beams as she looks from Emily to her husband feeling everything that he is feeling and so much more, thanks to the pregnancy hormones still coursing through her body. "And she's the perfect mix of both of us."

He leans up and kisses her, "Thank you."

"For what?" she asks, her eyes locking with his, his eyes holding so much love, amazement and gratitude.

"For giving me the best gift anyone can ask for," he smiles kissing her once more before kissing his daughters head.

"I should be thanking you too," she smiles and pulls him into another kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too, the both of you," he grins.

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